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Topics - Rik Vargard


I'm working on a simple fight script.
At some moments the camera moves to the right and back to the left.

For what I understand:
Unlike the objects whose positons are based on the background, the GUI's positions are based on the camera.
So when I move the camera to the right, the objects stay in place but the GUI's move along with the camera movements.

I need those GUI's to stay at the same place, like the objects.

The reason is that I need to show the player's and enemy's health (in numbers) and for what I know I can only do this with a GUI using a global variable.

I tried to use an invisible character to "Say" the health points in room_RepExec() but there's that flicker at every "update".

Any ideas (if it's possible) to kind of "lock" the GUI's so that they don't follow the camera movements?

Thanks! :)

Hello, so I've seen this thing around here but I'm not sure about the exact term to search for.

I have four objects that I want to make invisible:


I don't want to write four times image(x).Visible = false;

So I tried this one but it doesn't work, I get an error : undefined token 'image'

Code: ags
int i;
    while (i < 4)
      image[i].Visible = false;

Any ideas?
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