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Messages - Krimson

Hints & Tips / Re: Nine Hours To Dawn
Sun 15/05/2011 22:28:31
Yep, that worked. I could have sworn I tried that before though :-\. Oh well.

Hints & Tips / Re: Nine Hours To Dawn
Sun 15/05/2011 21:59:11

I'm stuck in hour 6, at the part where you're supposed to get help for Gordy after his run in with the skeleton. When I try to walk down the road, Jack tells me that he's not going to just wander along the road hoping that he'll find a friendly motorist. I've managed to make a candle out of the string and the wood polish, and I think that I'm supposed to light it to flag down help, but I can't find a lighter anywhere. Am I missing something really obvious?

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