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Messages - Captain Ricco

Quote from: Oliwerko on Mon 26/04/2010 19:23:44
Speaking of games, I have this unsolved thing:

I remember a game I played most probably on SNES emulator waaay back. I am almost sure it was called "Sink or swim" (but I may as well be totally wrong here). But not that cartoony sink or swim! (

This one was about you getting out of a sinking ship, you were a waiter or something (?) and it wasn't at all meant to be cartoony or funny. There were fires, the ship was turning and sinking and you had to make your way out.

I believe I don't remember anything else. It's been years I've been looking for this game with no success.
Perhaps some of you did encounter it?

S.O.S., or Septentrion in the japanese version
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