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Messages - StillInThe90s

I contacted Janet about her/their OS X port last june and she directed me here. It was open source then and it probably still is.
That was as far as I got, since I don't know anything about compiling source. It would be great if you could post about your progress.
Thanks for nominating and picking and all the love!
(Updated last night. Not enough changes to replay the game, though.)
Well that looks simple enough.
Will definitely try it out.
It's hard because my script is a mess, but I think I got it. :)
QuoteThe only possible problem I can see is if you've been passing AudioChannel* variables as arguments to functions...
Well, sort of. At least now I know this is bad practice.
Thanks Wyz.
Unfortunately, it seems that this solution was horrible to implement in retrospect. I will have to go for bracket wrapping this time, but any new project will have safe audio structs for sure. ...that is, if nobody makes it even easier and writes a module -COUGH!-
Could this be done with already defined global AudioChannels as well?
Without starting another discussion about what AGS should and should not do, I'm trying to find a workaround for the sound issue discussed in this thread. I.e. if "no digital sound" option is chosen in the setup, the code below will make your game crash.
Code: ags
AudioChannel *audio = aMusic.Play();
audio.Volume = 70;

...unless you wrap everything in a "if(audio){}" which is too much work for me at this point.

I suppose there is no way of checking if this option is chosen, from within an ags-application? Could I do this by raw reading acetup.cfg? (been unsuccessful so far) Changing the name of audio.vox with a custom setup could do the trick, since ags can check for files. Any obvious dangers there? (such as windows security)

Thanks lemonhead.
My own double click function works similar to your method 1, but is blocking 'SkipUntilCharacterStops' when mouse is over hotspots and objects.
I'm going to have a go at method 2 and see what to make of it.
Nice work!
Could the double click be used as a general double click? -Like trigging interactions for example, not just for quick exits. Or would that cause conflicts and hiccups?
I have not really tested the plugin yet and I'm not quite sure what VA scripts are all about. Sorry.
Since people were asking for an export function earlier in the thread, I simply figured there was none.

Grammar check or exporting for proof-reading was the first example I could think of, but also something I would find useful.
My current project is filled with speech lines in the scripts, which makes proof-reading nearly impossible. Especially if I need someone else to have a look at it.

I will take a look at speech center before asking any more stupid questions.
I basically meant a function to dump all found dialog into a txt -file, for easier grammar/spell check or printing or whatever.
VA scripts is a bit above my level of expertise.

Sorry for the late reply.
Hi all.
Any progress on adding an 'export to text file' function?
Or is this a feature already?
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