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Messages - Fitz

AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Fri 10/11/2017 14:54:50
Neat! Loving all the magenta and indigo. A very useful lesson, too, for someone who's not very good with backgrounds.
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Sun 05/11/2017 07:47:16
Man, the game looks incredible! The character design, animation, the backgrounds, it all just oozes style and atmosphere. And those flickering reflections in the last image! :shocked:
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Mon 07/08/2017 06:13:50
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 02/08/2017 12:21:42
This project is giving me serious Technobablyon vibes.  All the best with production, definitely one to keep an eye on!

My first thought was Until I Have You -- especially the story revolving around a guy haunted by memories of a girl. Looks and sounds great. And kudos for devising a realistic schedulue and ETA.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: Neofeud
Fri 21/07/2017 06:43:55
My pleasure! I thoroughly enjoyed the game and indeed it resonated with me on so many levels.

Now, I wouldn't rush with the whole knighting thing ;) I'm so busy right now, slaving away on a super secret AGS-related project, that I had no sufficient brainpower left to play the Dysmaton demo yet -- which would be a capital offense for a officially knighted lord.
But they ARE animated. The portraits change expressions depending on their mood/context of what they're saying, much the same as they do in, say, Wadjet Eye games.
Quote from: SilverSpook on Mon 22/05/2017 19:22:45Also, you discover the meaning of life.  Just sayin'.

I should hope so, because the game itself made me seriously question my own significance within the multiverse where my very existence isn't factual but merely optional ;) It's also not the first time I thought the human body needs a serious  redesign to improve its overall functionality. But then again I don't have high hopes for the augmentation technology of the future, because it's going to be owned by corporations, mass-produced on the cheap, with planned obsolescence as its main feature.

But to get back on topic: just finished the game, and it's been a BLAST! Awesome, gritty, dystopian sci-fi, the way I like it. It's not about lasers and flying cars. It's a really biting satire on the world today that's as hilarious as it is scary.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: Neofeud
Fri 31/03/2017 22:19:12
The "no" votes may be coming from other devs currently on Greenlight, downvoting the competition in the hope of pushing their own game through -- which, AFAIK, is not how Greenlight works.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 10/07/2016 10:39:47
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 09/07/2016 08:23:04
Big Red Racing?

Duuuude! That title's been bugging me lately! I remember playing the heck out of that game back in the day, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called. Thanks!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 16/06/2016 14:32:41
A cake? Bah! I'm actually getting a live-size animatronic Magenta ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 28/05/2016 20:27:03
Danvzare: Nope. It's also not Kickboxer: The Adventures of Tong Po ;)

Atavismus: Correct! Your turn!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 28/05/2016 09:09:46
Alrighty, then!

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 27/05/2016 08:21:10
Eksperyment Delfin.
That's interesting, David -- as I'm the opposite. I love cheesy comedy, puns and fourth-wallers. But am I really easy to please as an adventure gamer? Not quite. See, what really makes or breaks the game for me are the puzzles. I'm definitely not a fan of logical puzzles serving as a more elaborate key/door puzzle. Machinarium was such an unrewarding chore for me that I was not the least bit excited about the new Samorost (and still haven't gotten around to playing Botanicula). Same with The Witness. But proper, story-driven adventure games still have those, too, especially the serious ones. That -- and the dreaded "fix the electrical device" puzzle. Uurrrghh... "Oh hey, there's a broken machine. Looks easy, I just need to replace this bit. But wait, where do I get one?" 3-30 minutes, three miles east and 5 favors later I manage to find it -- but surprise: it's missing a part. Depending on how far in the game you encounter the puzzle, you might also then need to take care of the the power supply. *shudders* It might be because I work around computers and industrial machines all day, I listen to them wheezing, clonking day in, day out, and oh do they love to spite me. But I hated those machine puzzles in Fate of Atlantis 20 years ago, too. For me THAT is a tired trope. And, to my horror, it's still a thing.
I remember that feeling: first lines, first fuctions working as expected... :) Magic!

Best of luck with the demo!
"Shardlight" next Tuesday? Yassss! :cheesy:

And don't worry, Grundy, no hard feelings. So many games, so little time... I've promised myself to play through my AGS backlog after finishing my latest game -- and I ended up either staying away from the puter entirely or playing Hotline Miami 2 till I don't even notice the blood anymore (wrong)
It's now "game of the week/weekend/three days/till-CROS-finds-something-else" on GameJolt. And I tend to talk a lot, so that post is actually pretty tame length-wise :)

Oh, and just to clarify, Phil Fish wasn't the troll I talked about. He's weird, but talented, I actually liked Fez -- a bit flawed, but a beautiful thing, nonetheless. That dude today was just some random guy.
As with all creative people, you never know what a person's like. And, whether in real life or online, you can never tell if what you see in public is the real thing or just a persona. Phil Fish comes to mind. And just today I bumped into a bona fide psycho. So my newest game got featured the other day, which is a mixed blessing -- lots of love, but then lots of people who I'm just not on the same page with. But this guy... Comes in, all up in arms... Prefaces his speech with the equivalent of "Prepare to be crushed, unworthy!" -- and proceeds to bash my game from top to bottom, all while portraying himself as a hard-working, introspective, ever self-improving arteest and the voice of the unfairly shunned. "It's ppl like you but not limited to you who steal the limelight from the rest of us", he goes on. I was actually going to pity the guy, it sucks when you're thirteen and you make your first game and nobody notices. But a quick look at his portfolio revealed that he: 1. is probably in his twenties or older (that, or it's his dad doing the voice-overs); 2. cranks out flash games one after another, 27 and counting, in a matter of weeks, and 3. his last one got featured not five weeks ago AND let's-played by PewDiePie. How much MORE limelight can one actually physically take? (laugh)
I'd be inclined to think it's just a clever strategy to get noticed. His newest game premiered just around the time mine was featured -- so what better way to draw attention to yourself than make a scene in the comment section of the hottest game of the day? ;) But then he goes: "The tutorial should be idiot proof. I got stuck on it." Funniest example of unintened self-deprecation since that chick at a grocery store I heard yell at her kid "Shut up, you little SON OF A BITCH!!!"
Oh, and then there was this one guy who first encouraged the listeners of his show to not be shy and send in their little games -- and then, a couple weeks later, went on a twenty-minute long tirade about how he just doesn't feel like playinh AGS games (laugh) And that other one, who's been planning to, for three years (roll) Fortunately, both seem more self-aware than the other guy :)
Today's discussion added a few more points to the long list of what I do completely wrong :P Basically, every issue you talk about is something I'm guilty of -- and proud of that (laugh)

Good show -- and Dave's always fun to listen to. Akago is right, though. Many superheroes are easy to dismiss as uninteresting. For instance, I had my reservations about Ant-Man -- and it turned out to be a fun flick. But it does take some imagination to do these superheroes justice, especially the biggest names. I pray for someone to realize Spider-Man would do best as a tv series.
I second that! If everyone casually did something like this when they're bored, the world would be so much more awesome.
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