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Messages - TomatoesInTheHead

What sound does the "English" elephant make? Like "bah", "moo" or "meow", what's the onomatopetic expression for this?
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Mon 27/08/2012 12:12:10

Bumpy bumpy!
Quote from: Grundislav on Wed 20/06/2012 04:54:53
You want more?

Here is more!
Thank God you chose a release frequency similar to Ben's games and not to yours :=
Quote from: Stupot+ on Sat 05/05/2012 22:20:33
What was happening at 02:01 on 15 Jan 2012 for there to have been 559 members online?
(not only members, also guests)
Could it be related to the Bake Sale? This post is actually a bit too late to be the cause, but maybe the word was spread somewhere a day before?
I only now of an interesting Austrian art project called "Just like the movies", where scenes from pre-9/11 movies were cut together to a Hollywood premake of 9/11:
It used scenes from "Independence Day", "Armageddon", "Swordfish", "Q - The Winged Serpent", "The Siege", "Earthquake in New York" and others (not necessarily all featuring a plane flying into a skyscraper), maybe it's one of them?
These arches (as shown in the wikipedia article, too) are only a special case of cycloids, you can get more spiral-like cycloids if you let the circle spin faster.

Basically, you just add a uniform horizontal motion to a uniform rotation.
The horizontal motion is:
x = xspeed*t
y = 0
The rotation is:
x = radius*sin(rotationspeed*t)
y = radius*cos(rotationspeed*t)
Add these, and a starting point, and you get:
x = start_x + xspeed*t + radius*sin(rotationspeed*t)
y = start_y + radius*cos(rotationspeed*t)

Then you can fiddle with the speed values to get the spiral you like (increase rotationspeed or decrease xspeed to make it more spirally)
Btw, there's also a difference between Alt+### and Alt+0### (with numbers larger than 127), Alt+0255 gives me the letter "ÿ" (y with diaeresis), unlike Alt+255. Alt+169 gives me the "®" (registered name sign), Alt+0169 gives "©" (copyright sign), and so on.
The version with a zero in front seems to be ANSI (the non breaking space is 160 there; characters may depend on the local codepage, so could be cyrillic or whatever), while the version without a zero in front is DOS ASCII.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 29/10/2011 08:54:21
Happy one, Ponch! You're 93 now! :D
A big moo to you!
"background subtraction" is a name for this at least in the scientific community, don't know about video editing though.
Code: ags

function PrintLink(var name, var address, var description){

Code: ags

function PrintLink(name, address, description){

and it should work :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 13/08/2011 22:38:55
Alles Gute, Smileysüchtige! :)
And it's not Weekend at Bernie's by any chance? Don't know anymore how that one began, I only know there was one dead guy named Bernie and some guys trying to hide the fact that he's dead for some reason.
Tuomas, is it something like this: ?
Sometimes, my cell phone interferes only when it's directly beneath the speakers, or not at all, sometimes it makes noise even when it's 3-5 meters away.
Hmm, so I'm not the only one :-\

I have to/want to include these in a technical report and presentation, I hope the readers/audience won't have these associations.
Quick question/Rorschach test: What do you see in these two pictures (well, it's one picture, but upper part and lower part independently)?

Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Tue 22/03/2011 01:34:06
I think this is highly possible, as Google search alone can crawl inside pdf files. To make it a little bit safer, maybe said email portion could be made by using a bitmap picture instead of text (provided you have control over the pdf creation process).
If you convert it into a picture, you can make a vector graphic as well (with some "turn text into path" function in a vector graphics program), would look nicer (ideally indistinguishable from normal text) in a pdf.

Or maybe you can use this trick: instead of writing your email address, write something like, then give all inserted characters the same color as the background and a font size of 1, or whatever is the smallest possible font size. Any crawler should not be able to distinguish between the visible and invisible characters.
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