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Messages - David Ostman

I don't mind tropes at all, after all you can divide all good fiction into one selection of tropes or another and the most riveting entertainment out there follows true and tried concepts, but excel in presentation and delivery. A well done storytelling is a well done storytelling regardless of it being on or not. Again, most of the time it seems the developers are not working well with the resources they have at hand or are too inexperienced or not skilled yet to deliver.

As for comedy. Wow, that's a difficult one. Different people find so many different things funny and I have probably only laughed a handful of times, like not more than five times, for real playing a game. Sure, I chuckle once in a while at something that's meant to be funny and give the game a genuine smile in recognition, but true comedy in a game? No, that's a rare, rare thing to me, and that's why I never play comedy adventure games anymore. Not just because the humour is lost on me, but also because it's just not my thing in an adventure game. They get too goofy and silly, too forced, and that's not for me at all. Give me drama, thriller, smart dialogue, good atmosphere and character development and I'll squee like a fangirlboy.
Quote from: Grundislav on Sat 31/10/2015 17:00:31
Episode 82

I beat you, David Ostman! :=

NoooooooooooooooOOoooOoooooooooo! 8-0

Quote from: Sslaxx on Sat 31/10/2015 17:09:49
Quote from: Grundislav on Sat 31/10/2015 17:00:31
Episode 82

I beat you, David Ostman! :=
What with?

Twice I've posted the new episode here before Grundislav did :-D
I have a podcast app that's very on top of things ;)
I don't want to get stuck anymore. Not for any extended period of time, at least. There was a time when I felt like I had all the time in the world, but today with a family and work, every second feels precious, and whenever I'm stuck in a game I feel as if that time is somehow wasted, and I start to get stressed out about that lost time that I could have used on... not being stuck.

That said, puzzles were never the main attraction for me strangely enough. I always enjoyed the storytelling, the graphics, the dialogues, the settings and atmosphere more, so I think on a personal level I feel as if the games of today are more geared towards David of today :)
Episode 61

(for those relying on this forum thread to get updates)
I started listening to Serial last week and it has been great so far. I'm up to episode 4 so I'm not entirely caught up, but that's some real serious investigative journalism right there that I wish was more common.

Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project is another podcast I enjoy, when they aren't doing consecutive spoilercasts of things I haven't yet watched/read :tongue:

Now I must listen to latest BCT again as I fell asleep listening to it the first time. I only remember some brief talk of Baldur's Gate before descending into oblivion!
Yes! I have a long list of podcasts that I listen to regularly, among them good ones like the Giant Bombcast, This American Life, Star Talk Radio + a bunch more, but at the end of the day I get the most excited when I see a new BCT appear on my phone!
Great listen as always :) Usually put this on when I take my girlfriend's parent's dog for a walk, and you two guy's voices make for great company!
Hey guys.

I'm David, and I'm posting under my full real name to keep myself in check, since I have a tendency to get passionate about things, and by keeping my name fully visible I can't cower behind a shield of anonymity.

I'm 31, Swedish, and I recently moved to Norway to be with my family after having been in the UK for a few years working at a Warner Bros.-owned game developer, primarily as an artist (although I also did some camera work, cutscene direction, UI design, and 2D animation, plus various technical aspects of artwork).

Right now I work full-time on my own AGS title (funding it with my savings + occasional freelance gig) that's going to be a commercial release, and the production is still in its early stages (too early to give details).

I enjoy a lot of games, but character- and story driven games have always been my biggest passion, having gorged myself in the Sierra and Lucasfilm/Arts games as a youth, them playing a huge part in me learning English at an early age. Recent years I've become infatuated with games such as Mass Effect, that have great characters and story (though a bit heavy on the action, but I like that it's in there if only for the sake of pacing!).

I've been lurking here from time to time since about 2003, but I hope to become a more active member as I make progress on my game, bugging you guys for answers! So far I've been a good forum user, and if you've seen a huge spike in forum searches here the past month, that's probably me (filling my with useful stuff).

As I'm starting to get into more advanced scripting, to the point where there's specifics that haven't necessarily been covered in previous posts, I might throw a few questions your way.

That's all, I think. Thanks for reading :)
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