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Messages - EchosofNezhyt

General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 09/04/2015 01:57:33
Oh wow this threads still kicking.

Good to see all the goodies come and gone!
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 16/10/2014 23:04:49
Nice threads still alive and well cool!
Quote from: Khris on Wed 12/12/2012 12:09:27
I'm reminded of when my boss tried to connect an ancient tape backup device which had a 25 pin serial plug to a PC using a modem cable (25 to 9 pin) and a 9 pin to usb mouse adapter. Never mind that the cable's configuration would have to be exactly right by accident and that you'd need usb drivers for the device (which obviously didn't exist).

And a few days ago, the husband of a client made their apartment go dark because when trying to fix the cable of a floor lamp he had accidentally cut while unwrapping the lamp, he couldn't be bothered to connect the wires to each other separately and put them all together inside the screw joint.

Sooo, let me get this straight, because I can't make heads or tails of your post: do you want to "fix" the mouse? By connecting the mouse's wireless dongle to the camera's usb port? How would you then connect the camera to the PC?
I'm curious how your "project" will turn out, keep us posted.

Not sure if I'm understanding this right but I don't think that would work.
HesIt's both and has to many nipples.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 17/07/2012 12:47:27
Ah well theres 79 views, Guess whoever used em didn't post :P

AGA he needs your steam account name so he can gift it.

Also you can close this.

I got the whole half-life 2 series thanks though!
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 17/07/2012 09:32:13

I had fun with Hammerfight.
General Discussion / Free Steam keys!
Tue 17/07/2012 07:50:17
Ok so I was going through my emails and I had bought a extra humble bundle V key.

Now I'm almost positive that I never used it, If I check on steam to see if I used it and I didn't it will just waste it.

So I figured I'll post it here and anyone who has steam and wants to use it can try(Though post here if it worked so I can delete this.)

LIMBO, Amnesia, Sword & Sworcery, and Psychonauts Steam Key

Code: ags

Super Meat Boy, Lone Survivor, and Braid Steam key

Code: ags

I looked again and It said I had another key for the humble bundle 3 that I never used.
No idea what games its for.
Code: ags
Quote from: BCJames on Thu 12/07/2012 13:14:58
Alright, I'm new. Which may or may not be obvious to forum regulars. So I'm am trying to get a handle on the rules of the board, and I realize I will eventually figure most stuff out by reading and paying attention, but that takes too long. The FAQ's are blank, so is there a place for me to read about the forum's rules regarding avatars and signatures and stuff like that so I have a better understanding before I do something and get blasted for it?


Not sure. But size don't matter(TeeHee) because it will auto resize anything to big, Sig wise if your image or text is to big it will crop it.
I'd avoid porn or racist stuff though.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 12/07/2012 18:49:16
I'll have to try it. :P

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 12/07/2012 08:50:21
Taking a break from making death threats here, Is famous dave's good? We got one here in indianapolis but I haven't ate there.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 07:43:42

Problem solved.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 06:50:00
Haha this is great.

Nice boobs sketch.

I have to say the best boss battle for me was "The End" in metal gear solid 3. (Thinking about it almost all my favorites are from that series.)

I love the fact he died of old age if you saved your game and waited to long.

I played some of arcanum I thought it was pretty awesome, I'm playing divine divinity atm.

Edit: Ok I finished it, Haha the rayman origins part had me laughing hard. Thats exactly what happen while I was playing it on my vita.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 06:19:58
Quote from: Baron on Wed 11/07/2012 06:07:04
Quote from: Tabata on Wed 11/07/2012 05:29:31

Who forced you to fill in a date or mark the map? 

If you really don't feel comfortable, you can simply leave it empty.

In my mind it was like a red-herring left on my trail for my many stalkers to find, one in a series of mis-clues subtly designed to lead them in ever tightening inward spirals until they eventually bonked heads somewhere in the crazy mushroom lady's back lot.  To leave my personal information blank would invite inquiry, but providing plausible alternatives would throw the hounds off the scent until it was too late (cue coconut sound for head bonking).  Maybe I wasn't even born in May.  Maybe I wasn't even born at all.  Maybe this is all just an elaborate ruse designed to confuse and obfuscate any trace of my IRL existence....

Quote from: Tabata on Wed 11/07/2012 05:29:31
So I suspect you to have fun in lying instead of the “excuse” you told us.

You don't understand what it's like!  You're minding your own business and then suddenly there's this faint whiff of Famous Dave's Rich & Sassy BBQ Sauce tm and then even more suddenly there's Ponch breathing heavily over your shoulder, trying to spoon and asking you to read more quickly so he can turn the page.  I can't live like that any more!  The price of freedom is eternal anonymity.  You don't know me, man!  Back off.  Just.... just... back off, man!  Just be cool, and everything will be alright.

That so hilarious, Normally when ponch gets like that he just needs a good milkin' *Shudders*
Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Wed 11/07/2012 05:43:20
Oh my gosh! It's Wednesday! That means that it's time for another:

Bluecuptools Podcast! (Episode 6, in which we discuss boss battles, review Killzone 2 and Rayman Origins and add more silliness than ever!)

B-B-But its only been Wednesday for 45mins.

QuoteThat's how ruthlessly efficient the BlueCupToolsâ,,¢ team is.

Guess I'll have to listen to it!

Quote from: Ponch on Wed 11/07/2012 05:47:48
Damn, and I was just getting ready for bed too! Sigh. Well, time to go wake up the dog and go for a walk.  :)

That made me laugh in real life.

Grundislav you need to go play metal slug! For me its the most beautiful pixel graphic game!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 05:43:12
Quote from: Ponch on Wed 11/07/2012 05:31:45
Quote from: Frito Master on Wed 11/07/2012 04:18:58
Thats why I couldn't find your house...

Who the hell have I been stalking all this time? God, I hope it's not Ryan Timothy! All you Canadians look alike to me.  :wink:

Don'tcha talk aboot him like that AND YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIS HOOSE! Though he's safe anywho with his guard MOOSE!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 04:18:58
Quote from: Baron on Wed 11/07/2012 02:26:38
Thanks Ponch, Tabata -I really appreciate that.  Except... I kind of lied on my AGS profile for the sake of privacy.  Like all good-hearted people I was actually born in May (*gasp!*).  ....And since we're coming clean here, I've also misrepresented my location on the AGS map and my willingness to do AGS tutoring.  And I'd do it again, see.  With impunity -IMPUNITY!  Buwahahahahahahahahah!!1!!!

Thats why I couldn't find your house...

You could open them all in vlc player and the ones that don't work hit skip and mark it down.

Other then that if it still plays the sound but its garbled I don't think there would be a program to detect that.
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