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Messages - Falsely

Duzzquest. I went to a programming workshop some fifteen years ago and the instructor used it as an example of what AGS could do. The rest is history!

...Come to think of it, I don't know if I ever finished playing it. Or maybe it was the sequel I got stuck on.  ???
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 30/06/2023 14:55:33[...]In terms of gamejams neither of the above would apply as you only get data on actual sales, not on every download. What I'm not certain of is whether data is logged if people make a donation for a game offered without charge - I've had people add an extra payment onto a sale a couple of times, but never actually had a donation on a game I've not charged for on Itch, so not sure how that works.
I can confirm it works the same way for the "pay what you want" model; it logs email, IP, country of residence, payment service, and (if the buyer is using Stripe) full name in the .csv. Also the domain of whatever website referred the buyer/donator to the game's store page, if any. (e.g., if you bought a game after clicking a link on these forums, it adds a note reading "from:".)

None of this applies if your game is deliberately un-monetized, or if the user opts out of paying by clicking "no thanks, just take me to the downloads".
For someone's consideration, maybe yours:

Beat the Buzzer
Why didn't this episode air?
AGS Database || || GameJolt

You've acquired a recording of a quiz show episode. The studio closed down. The episode never aired. And there's something wrong with the footage. Why haven't you thrown it out yet? Are you just that incapable of letting a question go unanswered?

A trivia/visual novel game in the style of found footage horror.

(Received a polish update about two months after its initial addition to the AGS database. The over-all story and gameplay flow is much the same, but there are a few more easter eggs and side-conversations for those who enjoy kind of thing.)

Please consider for:
- Best Non-Adventure Game Created in AGS
- Whatever else you feel's appropriate, excluding music (it's Kevin MacLeod)

There's Something in the Pipes
Ah, hell. It's blood.
AGS Database || || GameJolt

You are the owner of a movie rental store. You have one hour until your shift. You need a shower. The shower is full of blood. Go figure.

A very serious plumbing simulator that straddles the line between silly and spooky. Bother your employee, talk to rubber ducks, and generally make a mess in your quest to unclog a drain.

Please consider for:
- Best Short Game
- Whatever else you feel's appropriate, excluding music (it's public domain)
Whew, okay - took advantage of the extension to tidy up the sound a bit. Updated the google drive, and also added a mirror on GameJolt (since that lets you link to unlisted pages. (laugh) )
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 30/11/2022 18:42:10I got 404 error.

Bah, sorry about that - didn't realize unpublished itchio pages couldn't be linked to. Added a Google drive link in the meantime!

Quote from: Stupot on Wed 30/11/2022 19:11:34Nice to see some pretty entries.

Seems like a couple of folks might appreciate some extra time. Would 2 more days be enough?

Two days would be great - I'd love to playtest my own project and tweak a few things.  ;-D
There's Something in the Pipes - A Very Serious Plumbing Simulator
Downloads: Google Drive | GameJolt

You are the owner of a movie rental store.
You have one hour until your shift.
You need a shower.
The bathtub is full of blood.

Go figure.


Whew. Cutting it real close - had to axe a lot of puzzles, sound effects, and animation frames - but I managed to get my entry playable from start to finish!
Mine's coming along! ...Slower than I'd like as things have been busy for me too, so I'm cutting extraneous features out like mad to make the deadline.

We'll see how we go.  :P

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