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Messages - JStryker47

According to PushingUpRoses' youtube video, Space Quest 1 was originally going to give the player a choice of gender for their character.  I kinda wish they'd kept that idea, since I personally only really like the first three.  The ones after that are kind of... eh to me, and I'll always be curious to see what the series would be like, if they could be played with a female protagonist.  Maybe they could've given 4-6 more interesting stories.

I bought the QFG series on GoG, when it was on sale for $3.99.  Those versions of the games have most of the bugs squashed, except for...


- Franz introducing himself by saying "Igor's death must be avenged", in Ivan's voice
- Bonehead's lines about Punny Bones getting skipped automatically
- the game occasionally freezing after killing a wraith (though waiting about a minute or so will usually unfreeze it)
- and the wizard being told he's "too busy" to summon Erana's staff after killing Ad Avis (though I think turning the detail all the way down fixes that)

Also, not too many people know this, but the thief also has two ways of killing Ad Avis.

1.  Tell him the joke and then throw a dagger at him.
2.  Take the staff out of your inventory, tell him the joke, and then do an acrobatic jump on him.  (You will, of course, have to jump back onto the space you were at before, to use the staff on the crystal.)

Wizards can also cast the reversal spell before cooking the Elderberry pie, to avoid being turned into a hedgehog by Baba Yaga.  (It won't backfire on her, like her frog spell previously did, but her reaction is pretty funny.)


There's also a fan-made patch for QFG3 that makes some minor enhances, including some cut content, like
going to the Simbani village, after the peace meeting, and consoling Uhura over her uncle's death.

Here's a link:

I think in order to find Manu,
you have to go to the area with the waterfall.

If you're referring to Johari's capture by the Simbani,
fighters or paladins have to get their throwing skill up to about 175 and then have Uhura challenge them to a match.  You don't have to win, but you do have to play against her, in order to trigger Johari's capture, as you do have to compete against Yesufu later, to become a Simbani warrior before you can "buy" Johari.  Wizards have to gain their magic staff, which they need to compete against the Leopardman shaman in a wizard duel.  Thieves just have to go to the waterfall area to trigger her capture.
I seem to have discovered a new bug.

When clicking the hand on Cupid's bow, from the bottom of the pool screen, Rosella crosses the pool to get it.  Then she "falls" up a screen and makes a splash.
I forgot to mention two other pros, and one other con:


+ The KQ1 SCI style title screen is a welcome change.  Honestly, every King's Quest game should've started like that, rather than asking whether or not the player has played the game before.
+ It was nice to be able to avoid the shark, rather than have his presence be an immediate death sentence.  (Though I was usually able to avoid him completely, by walking off the pier and swimming to Genesta's island from there.)

- The ogre’s dog moves pretty fast, making it difficult to click the bone on him in time.  (The way we combat this in our version, is by having the cursor go to the icon bar as soon as the “watch out” message goes away, and making him move slightly slower.)


Personally, if it was possible, I'd like to see Quest for Glory 5 re-done.  As much as I enjoy that game, it has quite a few serious problems.  But I feel like that's a rant that needs its own thread; which I'll probably make later.
Hello, Dr. Slash.  I'm Jack Stryker, head of Unicorn Tales' King's Que-

Crowd:  "We know!"

Okay already...

As I stated in my latest update thread, we have indeed gotten over most of the hurdles involved with our project, though we do still have some bugs left to exterminate.  All the same, we would very much appreciate any kind of help we can get, should we ever need it.  That being said, I've just played through your remake and I have some feedback to offer.  I'll inform you in advance, that the good most certainly outweighs the bad.  Also, just so you know, we had a couple ideas similar to yours, but we honestly had no idea your game existed until now.  So, here are the pros and cons.



+ The ambient sounds are very nice.
+ I like what you did with the ball in the pond, and the narration message for picking up Cupid's bow.
+ The death screen messages are pretty good.
+ The inventory messages aren't too shabby either.
+ The troll cave section is amazingly well done and I liked how much easier it was to elude the troll.
+ I think I speak for about 90% of all King's Quest fans, when I say that I appreciate you eliminating that annoying "You're not close enough." message.  (For the most part anyway.)
+ Pan walking up to Rosella after hearing her play the lute, instead of just freezing in place, is a good change.
+ The stairs are indeed much easier to navigate.
+ Autosaves and the option to eliminate dead ends are a welcome addition.
+ I liked that you slowed down certain animations that went by too fast in the original - like when Genesta teleports Rosella and herself outside in the end.  In the original, it was so fast that you could barely make out a word of the narration message.
+ Genesta's revised line about Edgar is a welcome change too.
+ As much as I like Roberta and all the things she did for the PC gaming community, it was nice to not have to look at her picture in this game.  (Although I think Genesta's portrait might've been more appropriate for the ending.)


- The fish remained in my inventory, even after feeding it to the pelican.
- While the stairs were significantly easier to navigate, I found it incredibly hard not to fall from the top of the stairs in the organ room; which I'm not sure was possible in the original.  (Was it?)  At any rate, that was the only part where I had any trouble falling, and I did fall there A LOT.
- The only ghost sound I heard was an occasional baby cry; which wasn't very scary-sounding.
- The sound of the grandfather clock was a little annoying and sort of took away from the ghosts' music when they appeared in that room.
- The clock's eye message also contains a typo.  12:00 AM is midnight.  If it's daytime, then the time should be 12:00 PM.

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