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Messages - TheVolumeRemote

@AndreasBlack thank you so much for the compliment and that's super kind of you to try to help! I appreciate the tip, on my end because the player can switch between 2 playable characters at any time, the solution I need has to work (afaik, i'm not great at this) in Repeatedly Execute, so something like this- is great advice- but I don't think it'll work in my case bc rep_exe :)

thanks again for your time and advice!!
@eri0o and for what it's worth, I can kind of click the camera down to where it should be which while a little strange, I thought might be helpful for you to know in thinking of a solution :)

here's what that looks like
Hi @eri0o thank you, I am super grateful you've been giving it thought!
The game resolution is 320x200 the room size is 520 x 326 (first room in 83 rooms/the game that is not 200px in height). The character bound to the floor starts the room at 87X 318Y and his Y never changes (room to room, the game is Left to Right movement only). The floating character has a walkable that is essentially the entire room, beginning at 47X 316Y. The issue arises if I move the floating character up to say 47x 90Y and then target the character standing on the ground.

Here is a quick screengrab to help you help me, I worry I confuse things by explaining it so hopefully the video makes it clear.

thank you so so much for your help, the only 2 rooms I have that are taller than 200px are the second to last and last rooms in the game and the height is part of an exploration puzzle so I really appreciate your help with this, I've been a lot calmer and pleasant to be around since you took the case lol
@eri0o Unfortunately this didn't work but you are right about the small margins, I'd guess the returning camera is only off by about 50-60 pixels to where it should be returning to.

Let me know if a video would help, and any advice on what to perhaps set Lerp (or anything else) to, would be greatly appreciated :)
@eri0o what timing! Ok I will try this now and report back, thank you!!
@AndreasBlack thanks mate, but my problem happens upon switching to my other playable character, where it does target the newly selected character, it just doesn't bring the camera all the way back, or down enough :)

For your issue, perhaps call targetCharacter on room_load and/or on room_load try this
Code: ags
Rellax.AdjustCameraOnRoomLoad = true;
Question! First, thank you @eri0o so much, Rellax has been invaluable to my dev and game:) Okay so Ive got a room that is taller than the rest of my rooms. One of my playable characters can float way up high, the other can only walk on the ground. When I switch from the floating way-up-high player, to the player on the ground, Rellax doesn't go all the way to the ground. It goes most of the way but cuts off at the walking players knees and anything below that isn't in sight.

What can I do to get Rellax to go to/return to the ground?

Code: ags
Rellax.CameraOffsetY = 50;

which I would think is what I need to do, doesn't seem to do anything, whereas
Code: ags
Rellax.CameraOffsetY = -50;
does what's expected however that is in the wrong direction, this offsets the camera even higher up.

I've tried a lot of bad ideas like
Code: ags
Rellax.CameraOffsetY = cEgo1.y;
but no luck. I have some plan B's I can employ but i'd rather understand what I doing wrong or how I could handle this correctly.

I hope this is coherent, thank you for your awesome module and for any help :)
Thank you as always for taking time out of your day to answer and help! It was the backwards compatibility I was worried about so I'll probably stay on 3.5, the bigger this game gets the less cavalier I feel lol thank you, cheers!

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 04/06/2023 19:27:02
Quote from: TheVolumeRemote on Sun 04/06/2023 19:10:05I'd like to avoid any misunderstanding, 3.6.0 only added room overlays. Prior to 3.6.0 you could use room objects and characters for this.
As for upgrading....
Thank you as always CW, and since it's you I should take this time to ask- I'm nearing the end of my games dev, I've built it in and I just assume I should not try to update but then Grundislav said he updated mid Rosewater and well, you would know best, do you think it would be pretty painless to update? I wouldn't do it just for fog- I kind of assume the module wouldn't be ideal (too curious not to ask) so I planned on handling it as an object but there's a lot of other neat things to utilize in 3.6....

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 04/06/2023 00:08:35
Quote from: TheVolumeRemote on Sat 03/06/2023 23:44:45Bumping to see if anyone has the module or can recommend something in its place. Thanks!

You can relatively easily make a fog using room objects, characters or room overlays (since AGS 3.6.0). Place various "fog" sprites on them and set them to varied level of transparency.
Wow thank you so so much Mehrdad, I really appreciate you taking time to find and link this for me  :)
Quote from: Mehrdad on Sun 04/06/2023 08:59:36
Quote from: TheVolumeRemote on Sat 03/06/2023 23:44:45Bumping to see if anyone has the module or can recommend something in its place. Thanks!

I'm not sure works with the last version.
Here you are
Bumping to see if anyone has the module or can recommend something in its place. Thanks!
It’s ultimately up to what excites and motivates you since you’re putting the endless hours in! That said, personally, my ideal would be a faithful recreation of the original except of course in “VGA” point n click. Yeah the whistle has its baggage but it’s part of the charm and history of one of the GOATs  :)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 17/07/2021 04:25:18
Love your style mate, been excited for this one for a while!
AGS Games in Production / Re: Goblin's Quest
Sat 17/07/2021 04:22:29
I really like the art style!! Looks like a lot of fun, great work as always mate :)
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Sat 17/07/2021 04:21:28
This looks absolutely magnificent!! Love the atmosphere and character design!! Really excited for this, great work mate!
Sp happy to hear you've taken this on! SQ3 is tied (with many) for my absolute favorite game and it's been a bit of a bummer to see the other remakes fall through (albeit I do understand!). Good luck with the project, you're doing an absolutely incredible job with it, sincerely, it looks breath taking!  :)
Love Rellax (Thank you!). I have a question, I have one scene which for comedic timing requires very fast cuts, immediate back and fourth between two players trading off as SetAsPlayer. It works w the default/stock AGS settings but with Rellax it’s so smooth, the comedic timing is lost.

Is there a way to disable Rellax during a function/midway in a rooms script? It tried
Code: ags
Rellax.EnableSmoothCam = false;

But it doesn’t then use default AGS camera movement so it no longer targets/tracks the set player.

I also tried
Code: ags
Rellax.CameraLookAheadX = 100;

With various numerical values, the idea was to move it so fast to the newly set player that it would look like a quick cut. No luck though.

Finally I tried making a duplicate/identical room just for the part I need quick cuts and even with enablesmoothcam off at room load, AGS’s default camera movement isn’t kicking in.

So long short, is there a way, even if it’s with default/stock AGS camera commands, to have Rellax working in a room and then for one segment, have it “off” for quick camera cuts? Alternatively, instead of turning it off and using AGS commands, perhaps Rellax can do quick cuts with a setting?

Thank you for any tips!
Thanks mate I had missed the name change info! I posted that because my game in progress (being made in 3.5 latest) didn’t work in the previous shell which is from the 3.4.4 build  (download posted on page 1 from someone’s google drive). I tried it as ac2game.dat, ac2.dat and game.ags. But it does work in the 3.5 build (the link I posted). So I mainly just posted that so that if anyone is working on a game in 3.5 and it won’t work in the old 3.4.4 wrapper, they can download my 3.5 wrapper and it should work :)
Here’s a build from the 3.5 release, I tested my game which is being made in 3.5 (patch 7) and it works (OSX 10.15.7).
It seems it wants the .exe renamed to game.ags instead of ac2game.dat (or ac2.dat), but once you rename it just right/control click on then put the files in Contents > Resources
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sat 08/10/2016 18:42:42
Also you do not need to have a jailbroken device however if you don't, you'll need to purchase a IPA installer such as iPastore or (preferably) Zeusmos. There are alternatives to those as well with a quick Google search but I recommend one of the two.
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