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Messages - BunnyDeFluff

Quote from: Hortencya12 on Mon 02/10/2017 13:41:14
I am new here. It was my friend Blondebraid who asked me to come here! I am a 25 years old MSC in media technology and game developement and am exited to join the community.
Hi Hortencya12, welcome and hope you have a great time here. I am new here too. I am a 30-ish male, came from Malaysia. I hope to do something- anything- with this wonderful AGS. I am really grateful for this. I have little c++ background, and I feel let there is an egg waiting to be hatched inside me, as long as I do it with AGS. I hope everyone can have their eggs hatched in this forum, I have got a dream !!!! You got a dream too, I know it!
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Wed 04/10/2017 15:15:59
That estimated release date together with those screenshots tell me this game is actually going to happen. Keep it up op.
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