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Messages - rambler87

thanks for advise.
and what do you think about kyra engine - is it in some way similar to ags.
And concerning games such as runaway series - beside art work - i think it requires very high level in programming (theory and practice)?

ps - are there quest games (fan made games) about lord of the rings? (strange but there is no (if i know right) modern (for sale) quest about this story - may be because of franchise rights...)
Quote from: Kumpel on Wed 22/03/2017 03:30:01
Hey rambler. if you mean by "3d derived" a game with 3d prerendered sprites and backgrounds, then check out "Out of Gas" by Cassiebsg. Great MAGS entry that shows you how good this style decision can work and look.

thanks. But is there example of ags games with 2d pictures from design like in tes elder scrolls 3d constructor (what is the problem to use complex pseudo 3d screens on ags engine - is it possible, for example, to use pseudo 3d scenes like in quest game series like "runaway")
thank you. could you advise such a "3d derived" games to learn some examples? and why is it not often (or i wrong) used in ags games creating.

I want to create in 3d only character animation and location (backgrounder screen) - it is problem because 2d considerable edition of this screen will be needed in 2d?

about details - which main instruments would you recommend? 3ds max auto-desk (or Maya?) and Photoshop cs (without mentioning many other assisting programms-utilites)?

PPS concerning engines: what do you thing about kyra-engine?
i mean i can always get 2d from 3d any scenes
thank you.
under "simple" - i mean is it not so difficult game cod comparing say with diablo 2 or something) I mean we have static pictures and moving them and that's all.
i.e. as beginning project in programming and game design it is normal difficult?
do you think it is pretty easy to build such game as bad mojo - only many photo of scenes?

and have you seen such games as 3d->2d and insert implement with ags?
hi everyone
i would like to ask questions - not so important technical - some advice where to begin and if it possible with AGS.
I want to create game with tomb rider angel of darkness characters - is it possible and effective to use official trle (level redactor) to create graphic scenes and animation of character movement and implement this date in ags to create quest with high resolution?
Any suggestion and advice will be appreciated.
And are there examples of such approach?

PSS - in addition how knows the great game (very exotic game) bad mojo - on which engine it can be done redone? the same concerning the game Sanitarium - has it ever been rebuild in ags?
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