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Messages - Ray

Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 06/08/2018 22:08:33
You don't need luck, Ray.  Make it awesome! :-D
Ha-ha, thank you CaptainD :-D
Good Day to everyone!

Spent quite a time on this forum and just noticed this thread :-D
I am working on my first AGS Space Adventure Game, so wish me luck :)

Thank you Retro Wolf :)
Looks great!
I'd like to have some sort of algorithm for phrases my main character says...
For example, I have five phrases he says when he "look" at window; so for first five "looks" at window I'd like him to say one of 5 phrases in strict direction: phrase 1,2,3,4,5 to introduce the subject to player, but if my character "look" at window 6 and more time I'd like same 5 phrases to be displayed in random order.

Should I go with the If-Else or there is some more efficient way to do it?
Thank you!
Thanks a lot for suggestions and examples :) Will keep it in mind.
I really was hoping there is a relatively easy way, like one with  MultiResponse module...

Speech Center Plugin sounds very handy - definitely will use it.

Thanks again to you both for prompt respond!
I'm working on my first AGS adventure game and would like to understand a couple of things about how much flexibility I have with 'Say' function.
1. When player clicks on the hotspot and my character is going to say something, is it possible to make his phrase to be randomly choose from 2,3...N relevant phrases? For example, when player clicks on window of spaceship, my character would say something like: "This is uncharted space, I never was here." But if player clicks on same window again, the character may say something different, like : "I do not know what to expect - this is an uncharted territory." I just would like it sounds more natural than repeating the same phrase over and over again.
2. Is it possible for AGS to read texts from the external file, like .txt to keep all the characters phrases in one place for correction and revisions?

Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much! Definitely will see to use this module in my game :)
Thank you very much for this template!
I'm just starting with AGS, so such a good example will definitely be a help :)
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