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Messages - Kini Games

Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Fri 10/11/2023 20:57:16
Thanks, @sthomannch;-D 
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Thu 26/10/2023 13:11:38
Thanks very much for the kind words, @RootBound :)
I think mine might've been Pleurghburg: Dark Ages, from long before my time as an AGSer.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Fri 20/10/2023 17:22:51
Thanks very much, @Postmodern Adventures. Really happy you liked it  :-D
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Sun 08/10/2023 12:01:40
Thanks, @Rik Vargard and @Creamy. Very glad you liked it :)
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Mon 02/10/2023 15:56:22
Thanks so much, @heltenjon. We had a blast making it. Thanks for the comment on the game's AGS page, too :)
Thanks for the kind words about D-List Diva, @heltenjon. I enjoyed all the other AGS entries, too.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Wed 27/09/2023 06:59:15
Thanks, Ramorama. Glad you liked it :)
Quote from: lorenzo on Tue 26/09/2023 19:43:12As I told you already, Signal & Echo was an inspiration for me while making the game, so I'm really happy you enjoyed it!

And if you people haven't played Signal & Echo's demo, you should really try it! A fantastic game that makes you feel like a detective.

And I've told you this privately already, but I'll say it again here: that's extremely flattering and kind. Thank you <3
Very cool gameplay idea. Good job :)
This was fantastic! Excellent mystery, impressive scope, given the time  constraints, beautiful music, and you know I'm a sucker for investigations requiring text parser inputs ;) Oh, and, of course, your art is always wonderful. Brilliant job. I loved it.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Tue 26/09/2023 12:19:01
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 25/09/2023 17:55:58With this choice of colors and outlines, the game's art is clean and pleasant to eye :).
Glad you like it, Crimson :)

You're in the credits, not only for your DoubleClick module, but under 'Special Thanks', alongside Khris (as in my other game, S&E). Whenever I have a question about how to do something in AGS, one of you two seems to have already answered it somewhere in the forums. Much appreciated!
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Tue 26/09/2023 07:18:51
Quote from: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2023 18:32:17One extra colour?! Preposterous! I now refuse to play this game!!!
I know, right? I really let my standards slip there. I feel dirty all over!

Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm gonna be playing your entry this morning! :)
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Mon 25/09/2023 17:48:33
Thanks! Matt and Karl did an amazing job.

The original palette came from here:

I had seen Karl tweet a picture using it (an awesome background he had done for the EGA game Betrayed Alliance, which he had then colour-swapped for fun).

I had Karl and Matt chop the palette down to 16 colours they could agree on, because I love limited palettes. Karl wanted various browns for the backgrounds. Matt needed a red for the diva, etc. I did allow Karl to sneak in an extra colour in one spot (the green mint leaf), and I used a green for the hotspot highlighter, too.
Completed Game Announcements / D-List Diva
Mon 25/09/2023 09:06:16
Hi all,

This is a short, free comedy point-and-click adventure game made by me, Matt Frith and Karl Dupéré-Richer for the $107 Adventure Game Challenge. It's about a misanthropic tour manager and a washed-up singer's rider demands. I hope you enjoy it.

(Currently available for Windows only.) download link:
AGS game page:

Thanks for the reminder. I've just registered to attend online. Looking forward to all three of these talks :)
Thanks again to everyone who helped make the event happen. It was my first one and I had a blast. Congrats to all the winners!
Woop! Do we know when the ceremony's gonna be?
I'm also delighted to see my demo nominated in a couple of categories  :-D  Huge thanks to everyone who voted, and to @cat, and anyone else helping organise all this. And congrats to all the other nominees!
At the 11th hour, I've finally submitted my nominations.

Thanks for the extension.
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