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Messages - cedricl31

Bonjour Marion,
Le premier lien pointe sur l'épisode 1 en français et pas l'épisode 2.
Serait-il possible d'obtenir le lien de l'épisode 2 je suis vraiment impatient de voir la suite de ton excellent travail !
A HUGE thanks to you tag2015 that what exactly what i was searching for !
You're simply the boss !
Also a big thank you for all your work on SCUMMVM for AGS and GLK games.
Thanks Heltenjon for your response
For Shades of Grey, my missing game is "Shades of Grey" without a final e to "Greye".
This proximity in the title is very confusing and does not help the search !

I'm going to download the demo first chapter of Grandma Badass to see if its recognized as confinement by ScummVM

Edit : first chapter of Grandma Badass is not recognized as Confinement  :cry:
Hello Everyone
I'm trying to have the AGS Scummvm full set (for non commercial games)
For now I'm only missing 4 games:
Does anyone have any information on where to download the following games ?
- The candy Forest (this game is no more accessible on ITCH)
- Confinement (french game)
- Serina's Transylvanian Trip (I can't find any information on this game !)
- Shades of Grey (I can't find any information on this game !)

On the contrary if you're searching for a particular non commercial AGS Scumm game do not hesitate to contact me !

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