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Messages - Lupussy

Thanks, that's what I needed!

Quote from: Snarky on Mon 14/08/2023 10:19:22The two properties should probably cross-reference each other in the manual.
As far as I see, they don't. But I guess I just need to look always a bit further or get a better feeling for the proper search strings to find everything I need.

Nonetheless: Thank you.
Hi AGS experts,

I try to extend the general speech times so that each text stays longer on screen. Until now I only found the property 'Speech.DisplayPostTimeMs' but that seems to delay the visbility of each text with a fixed amount of milliseconds regardless the length of the text.

Is it possible to set something like a fixed duration for each letter/character so that the time of visibility is e.g. doubled for each text?

Thanks for suggestions, solutions and any helpful answer.
This is my hello to the community!

I just started to fiddle around with AGS and think I finally found a new hobby that combines my profession with the fun of being creative. For quite a while now I've been thinking of creating a little game for a friend. Back in the early 90's we programmed a couple of little text adventures and shared them with friends but we always had in mind to do something visually more advanced. Back then it had been quite a challenge and I never got far.

Now I started a new approach with the AGS, finished the graphics of the first sequence (a couple of rooms), started one first dialog, and I hope I will be able to finish the game I have in mind until this year's christmas time to spread it to the folks around me. Well ... we'll see. It won't be a very extensive game but hopefully a nice little pastime. Because of my background the game design will be made in the late 80's and early 90's style and in 320x240 pixels resolution. Starting this project is very much fun and hopefully there will be some people who'll enjoy the product in the end!

More from me (and perhaps about the game) later.

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