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Messages - rock_chick

Hey I've never gotten a trophy for anything, I've had stuff published(unpaid), I suck at sports, science, maths, coding and drawing so I guess YES but seriously for the comp it doesn't matter!
Again this may not be the correct place to ask but I've looked at all the tutorials in the tutorial section in the Critics Lounge and few explain for newbie's on computer drawing(not sketching on paper and then scanning it and such) how to learn how to draw simple stuff and maybe then harder stuff but in a sort of step by step guide. I want to learn how to draw but few tutorials give you an idea of how to use the tools in even simple programs like MS Paint(most are based on Adobe products) to really help newbies at this grasp an understanding of how to draw properly in simpler programs, the bare basic is what I'm getting at.
That's great, I shall be very interested in entering when it starts. Will the winner of the comp get to choose the next subject and will there be any trophies involved, I ask that because so many of the others have them and it could just be one that never changes, also will there will runners up?

Now on to another older subject, is there any, serious interest in bringing back the Photoshop Biweekly competition?
Quote from: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Tue 08/04/2008 21:27:08
Oh, again? :P

There's been a writing comp, it generated interest. Eventually the last person to win didn't start a new thread.

It's worth bringing back to life, yeah. :P It's also been discussed in this thread, if you want more particulars.

I noticed it has that's why I asked if anyone had done anything about, like pming a mod to get a serious yay or nay. I'd do it myself but just coming into this whole thing means I would probably not be able to make a proper argument. So many ideas are mentioned here and then others come along and agree they like it but then nothing happens and it just seems that if something has enough support why don't they ever get official replies from mods? I know they're busy people with real lives but I thought that was the whole purpose of this thread?
Quote from: Jack Sheehan on Tue 25/03/2008 15:31:03
Since there's been so much enthusiasm for the chain story or 'grandiose writing project', why don't we have an individual writing competition?

Every fortnight we set a topic like say, 'the sea' or 'road trip' and everyone writes their own short story. Everyone votes on their favorite and the winner gets to chose the next topic. It's a chance for people to improve their writing skills.

I reckon this would be wildly popular, opinions on a postcard please.

As a writer of sorts myself I love this idea, what's the status on it, did it get rejected or has no one pmed a mod about it yet?
I just found out about an old competition that I thought was really cool, it was "Photoshop Biweekly: Using your favourite editing program, modify a picture to fit the theme of the week".
Referring to this thread
it doesn't have a line through it, meaning it should still be active but it doesn't seem to have been running for almost 2 years.
With all the competitions that already exist and that involve graphic only work I think maybe bringing it back as run once a month or if that seems too long, once a fortnight. Of course this has nothing to do with how long each competition would run for, the same time as before seemed fine, it would just mean there'd be more time between each competition. What does anyone else think?
I now think this whole idea is pointless and am not involved anymore, however I still hope things work out if they could.
Quote from: BOYD1981 on Mon 07/04/2008 01:46:56
the whole idea of a competition exclusively for beginners is, in my opinion, really stupid.
not all beginners are of the same level and there's absolutely no way to enforce any rule excluding people who you deem to not be beginners from entering, and you can't even go on how long somebody has been a member either. i've been a member of the forums for 5 years now and i still consider myself a beginner due to my scripting ability being rather terrible, but perhaps it's better than that of somebody who has only been around for 6 months or so, or less than somebody who has been here for 2 months but has a better grasp of scripting... you see where i'm going with this? and it doesn't just apply to scripting either.
the current MAGS is non-exclusive so that anyone can enter, the only possible reason beginners may want their own competition is so that their "terrible" games stand a chance of winning, and that's a really petty reason. PLUS nobody is stopping anyone from following the MAGS rules and NOT entering it, in fact i think taking the MAGS rules and trying to make a game is a good thing for beginners to do as it means they don't have to come up with an overly original idea of their own.
Did you miss this part from his explanation of a beginner. Here's the quote from his post that defines it, "By beginner, we mean you have less than four months, or no experience in AGS." So if you've been a member for more than 4 months chances are you have been using it for longer than that but even so let's say more like a forum member for at least a year. Give me a reasonable example of why someone would be a member of these forums for at least a year and not have been using AGS for at least just over a month?

Also who said their MAGS game would even be hosted on this site?They can probably show their trophy in the forums and announce publicly to others they made it and it won, even distribute through various sites using that but anybody who knows it was a beginner's MAGS contest will probably not be expecting a stellar game anyway.
I ask that if Nagania's application is denied that she at least be allowed to let people know about his competition that would be run in the Adventure-related talk and chat forum, that he may be permitted to post a thread in this forum advertising his competition, this is because his idea is for beginner's and let's not kid herself, beginner's hardly ever both with the Adventure-related talk and chat forum, I know I didn't when I was new here and I suspect neither did many of our long time members when they began to use this forum. No other forum will allow him to do so in their rules and I doubt it'll largely detract from beginner's interest in our official completions and actives here. If he is willing to take such a big risk and put a lot of time and effort into it, then shouldn't he be granted just one post here about it?
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this but I've been looking all over for textures that are appropriate for games, mainly things like tiling for kitchens and bathrooms and carpet textures. The ones I have come across are a bit too realistic for my game(as in they are basically real pictures, even though my game using hi res graphics). Also most 3D design.
So does anyone know of a source or program(besides GIMP or maybe some links to plugins or whatnot for it that could be added to the program for these textures) for this sort of thing and also I need to make sure I can understand the credit and conditions of using them, mainly on websites are a bit unclear or want links back on a website(so they're designed for websites).
A background I made a few months ago with Terragen. Didn't really know what I was doing but seemed to produce a nice ocean picture with clouds and  the water reflection.
I put very little work into this and doubt I'll ever use it for anything so I don't care about getting credit for it.
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