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Messages - Alun

Quote from: InCreator on Tue 31/08/2010 09:27:40I've been wondering how would world look like if I was microscopic. A bit larger than a molecule, maybe.

Well, there's microscopic, and then there's "microscopic".  If you're talking "a bit larger than a molecule"... then there are other things to consider.  If you're "a bit larger than a molecule", are you then made up of only one or two molecules?  If so, then how are you able to feel or sense anything anyway?  A single molecule isn't complex enough to be alive.  Or if you assume the molecule is somehow magically alive... well, then whether or not it would react with anything depends on what the molecule is made of, but in any case there's no point in talking about "hands" or "cells" if there's only one molecule.  On the other hand, if you're assuming the molecules in your body themselves shrink... well, then, we're talking about something impossible in modern physics, and it's not really feasible to say how such shrunken molecules would interact with normal molecules because they shouldn't be able to exist anyway.

But maybe I'm reading too much into this, and the part about you being microscopic isn't germane to the question; you're only asking about what's going on on the microscopic scale and the exact method used to sense this is irrelevant.  In that case, well, yes, on the microscopic scale atoms and molecules are coming off all the time.  Even larger units are flaking off; you're constantly shedding off microscopic bits of skin.  When you smell anything, you're actually inhaling bits of that thing that have come off and been carried through the air, so your sense of smell depends on the fact that this happens.

But really, a lot of things are different on small scales, so it's hard to answer this concisely.  Things like friction, air resistance, and liquid surface tension all become much more significant on the scale of an insect than that of a human.  Get down even smaller, and other things come into play; when you get down to the size of an atom or molecule, then quantum mechanics steps in, and things get really weird... things don't have definite position, everything is a probabilistic wave, and solid objects have a small but finite probability of passing through each other... insofar as a "solid object" even exists at that scale...
Quote from: vertigoaddict on Fri 30/11/2007 21:52:24
I was looking through the old 'Completed games' pages and I saw 'The Tower'. It's quite old so all the download links don't work anymore.

I was wondering if anyone still has that game and could they upload it? I really want to try it.

I've got a copy; it's an odd little game, but kind of fun--though the ghost levels are danged hard.  (I managed to beat the game, but it took me a few tries.)  Unfortunately, it's on my computer at home and I'm not home at the moment, so I can't upload it right now.  But I'll try to get it uploaded tomorrow.

(Stupid question: Is there a site I should upload it to?  I mean, I could upload it to my personal website, I guess, but I'd rather not if there's a better place to upload it...)

Though...wait...according to this thread it's in the bicycles-for-slugs archive anyway.  (Just checked...yup.  It's there.)  So you don't need me to upload it after all.  It's available right here.  (See what a little forum search'll get you? ;))
I know someone already asked about this a while back, but just in case the situation has changed or someone's run across it--anyone have a copy of Harrys [sic] Strange Day, by any chance?

By the way, on the other hand, I do happen to have a copy of a game that someone was asking about that isn't on the bicycle-for-slugs page--DROI0.  If anyone still wants it, I'd be happy to e-mail it to them--and I can send Rui a copy for the bicycle-for-slugs archive, too, if he wants.  Although I should warn anyone who's been looking for the game that you really haven't been missing much.  It's a very monotonous game, with very little to do, and what little there is to do doesn't make much sense, and the game's so riddled with bugs you can't do it anyway.  (On the plus side, the game does have Debug mode left on, so you can teleport between rooms and get some idea for how it was supposed to have worked.)  All in all, it's pretty much unplayable, and one of the worst AGS games I've seen (and I've played the majority of the games listed on the AGS games page, so I have a pretty firm basis for comparison).  Still, if you want to have the game just for completeness' sake, or something, like I said I can send you a copy.
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