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Messages - Barcik

Graduation party photos! Rejoice:

Looking all academic.

My 150$ outfit! I love that shirt.

The matrix scene from the play.
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Wed 21/04/2004 22:30:43
A typical discussion about religion...
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Sun 18/04/2004 19:57:30
Quote from: Pirate Jack on Sun 18/04/2004 18:39:50
And 15 year old chicks are ALL bi-sexual. Every one of them!!! They all promote how bi-sexual they are, and show off by kissing girls and telling everyone they are bi-sexual.

I knew there was something wrong about my sister!

P.S. And what were YOU doing while the 15 years-old kids engaged in actes of bi-sexuality and tit-groping?
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Fri 16/04/2004 10:20:01
There is a long way to go between having pre-marriage sex and an addiction to sex. Just if a person chooses to have sex before marriage, doesn't mean he'll go around banging everything he sees.

But ultimately, I think this debate is pointless. It's a matter of free choice, and truly there is no right or wrong here. If you want to save yourself for that special someone, go ahead. If you don't, just as well.
Here's a couple of photos from the good ol' war days.

I think Scotch missed the real question here...  ;D

You have to go to the "use inventory item on" interaction of the item you want to combine, and there do the regular
if (character[GetPlayerCharacter()].activeinv==X) {
AddInventory(C); }
And do the same for the second item, just change the X.
(Watch this with 1024X768 res, f00!)

Ringo                                                                                        Andail
Andail                                                                                         Ringo
Err.... no, nothing similar.  ::)
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