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Messages - dronon

Hints & Tips / Re: Nine Hours To Dawn
Mon 27/06/2011 18:19:37
I think I've found another bug. (Windows 64, not playing as administrator.)  After Gordy gets dragged off and you chase after him to the side of the house, instead of turning on my flashlight, I simply left.  I got the "Running won't save you, coward!" message, the screen turned red, and I woke up in the upstairs bedroom.  Except I was the only person in the room, instead of with everyone else standing around Gordy.  My character didn't stand up, and when I tried using the walk icon, my curled-up body started drifting across the floor, and then the game crashed.

Thanks for putting in the option to skip the wolf sequence!  I enjoyed the game very much!
The two-object way was my original setup; now I'm experimenting with the one-object idea.

Code: ags
oDooropen.Visible = true;

I didn't have that in the two-object script I'd tried earlier, because it was already handled by an Interact Object action, and it didn't seem to have an effect. I can try putting it explicity in a script instead and see what happens. (edit: nothing. I guess the object can't be solid unless it's set to be visible from the start.)

For the one-object route, hey! something new learned - changing the graphic. Although that makes a whole world of changes, since the two-object way, I had two sets of actions to move my character to different locations depending on whether he was miming opening or closing the door. If I use one object, I have to set conditionals. "if (object[0].Graphic == 6) {" seemed to work, but is so much more fiddly - I think I'll go back to the two-object way.

Still, the solidity thing has been perplexing. While trying it the one-object way, I discovered that although the documentation says that .BlockingHeight is centered around an object's baseline, changing the .Baseline doesn't change anything; BlockingHeight is always centered around the base of the graphic. In the end, it was easier to edit the room's walkable area to avoid the area of the open door altogether.

Small steps, slowly but surely. Thanks for your help!
Thanks, that worked great!

And it created a new related question. When I interact with oDoorclosed, it's removed from the room and a second object, oDooropen becomes visible using the "Object - Switch an object back on" action; it's set to invisible before then. It's supposed to be solid too, but I can't get it to happen. I tried putting the equivalent code alongside the first, but it didn't seem to have an effect.
Hi; real noob here. In my first room, I've got an object called oDoorclosed that I don't want my character to be able to walk through. My character is set to be solid, but how do I set solidity on the object?

I've looked through the manual and found .Solid mentioned, but I can't seem to implement it. I assume I'm supposed to put it in the room script, but each time I try I get an error when I try a test-run.

For example, when I put: "oDoorclosed.Solid = true;" (without the quotes) in the room script, I get the error "Parse error: unexpected 'oDoorclosed'".  When I try "bool oDoorclosed.Solid = true;", I get "Variable 'oDoorclosed' is already imported".  Should I be using the (custom) properties/Edit Properties Schema window in some way instead?
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