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Messages - salomey5

Recruitment / Re: Offer Your Services!
Thu 14/12/2017 22:50:07
Salut! My name is Rachel, I am French/French Canadian, and I am available to translate your game from English to French or French to English, comme vous préférez! I can also proof read in both languages. I also have a background in theatre and can do voice work in both French and English, although I do have a (very intelligible) accent when I speak English (apparently, I sound German/Danish. Go figure).
Feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like to know more and/or would like my help!
Well, bonjour tout le monde!

K, enough with the french now!

Hi everyone, nice to meet all of ya, my name is Rachel, and I live in Montreal, Quebec.
I actually stumbled onto AGS a couple of years ago while hunting on the internet for some point-and-click adventures. I believe the 1st AGS game I played was 5 days a stranger by Yahtzee (still my fave to this day) and that definately made me feel like discovering more games made with AGS. I have played quite a few since then (just finished playing Emily Enough a few minutes ago, as a matter of fact, good game!)

I hesitated for a long time before posting, because after reading rules for posting, I figured that me writing in the forums might be considered as a waste a bandwidth. Yep, I'm a "sucker with low self-esteem", what can I tell you...! I stayed under that impression until I started to read some real immature threads in the forums, and realize that just like any online community, AGS also has its share of flamers, name-callers, immature brats and the like.

So why would you want to post here, you may ask?
Because AGS also seems to count within its ranks a large number af extremely creative people who are very passionate about what they do. And I like and admire that a lot. Hence my butting in.

I'll be honest guys, it's unlikely that I'll ever make a game, because:
-I'm dumb
-Patience? What's that?
-I don't have the slightest clue of even the definitions of scripting, programming and these other foreign words.
-I'm too old to learn. (Do not bother asking for my age though. I'll lie to you. It's confidential. The voices said to keep it secret otherwise i'll end up squashed by a grand piano coming from outta space). 

So what use can little me be to this community, you ask?

Well, I'm mature (on the internet anyway, not always so much in real life after a few beers), I'm funny, I'm supportive of other people's efforts and creativity, and I see a lot of that over here. I can give honest and detailed feedback other than "This game sucks".
On the practical side, I'm fluent in both french and english, I have good writing (as in grammar, ortograph) skills in both languages. I'm a theatre graduate and I have worked in radio a fair bit, so I can do voice acting, although I do have an accent.

That's pretty much it, so I hope I can be of some use to this community.

And regardless of whether or not I am, I really want to tip my hat to you guys, many of the games I played here show me with great clarity than amateur and mediocre do NOT go hand in hand. Far from that, so big big congrats from the land of eternal winter and keep up the good work!!! :)

Peace (I'm a hippie, I always say that!) ;D

Ciao for now,


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