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Messages - Nacho

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 08/03/2010 23:20:38
Thanks guys! ;)
Me, on the left, with my cousin... A lof of years ago, at my granpa' s cottage.

Yes... it was about the time of Rambo II.

This is a thread for photos... Sorry for going out of topic.
Everry democratic president is better than Zapatero... At least Berlusconi has the uneployment level around 8%, while "our PM" has it close to 19%.

I really preffer to have a president who likes to go out with bitches and has 1 million unemployed than an "eternal smile" president with 4.
What about the worst Prime Minister ever in the history of democracies?

Of course it's CJ guys! ^_^

Monkey, who do you mean when you say "We all know it was the US gov"?

If you mean "we", as "a group of retards" then, it' s okay.
Hehe, no probs Ron... :)

And cut your hair, hippy.

Quote from: Xenogia on Sun 26/04/2009 16:31:00
Your probably wondering why the eyeliner. 

Actually... I think here we do not wonder about that sort of things anymore... :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 04/03/2009 10:11:31
Thanks Dual ^_^
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 03/03/2009 07:21:44
Thanks Ben... I... I... I am 30!!!  :'(
Bah... An international commando is an international commando. Free germans allowed as well.

Aaaaah... memories from The Ardennes...

Sorry the guys who were there and didn' t receive your photoshop... I was just browsing photos and picking the first ones I found.

P.S: Oh! Ron.... I don't know where you do life, so, I simply put the capital city... Sorry if it's a mistake, I have the tags in another layer, so I can change it easily ;)
Hehehe... As said, I was kidding, you sing ok!  :)
Quote from: Chicky on Sat 15/11/2008 17:29:28
A video is worth a thousand pictures.

Im singing  :=

I think "singing" is being too optimistic! ^_^

J/K, I sing 10X worse.
I will do my best! :D
Is it true that the correct way to wear kilt is without underpants?
Quote from: SSH on Fri 04/07/2008 10:31:51
Congrats! Make sure you name it Donna, Avenger of Blood

I think we must desire a shorter pregnancy and birth to that baby than it's being for Donna...
Amico mio bambino caro! Altro amico mio bambino caro, ma piu piccolo? Does it have penis, or is it too small to see it? (For small, I meant the fetus... not the penis... Well... knowing the father, who knows?)

Molta congratulazione da Nacho e Lorena!  :D I hope you both have health to enjoy the baby (Whose I desire good health too) for a zillion years!
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