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Messages - Joacim Andersson

Thanks buddy. Since I've already released my game I'll just use my own workaround but it's good to know that for the future that this has been mended.
Yeah, that's what I thought, I usually don't download release candidates or beta versions.
I'm glad that you could confirm this as a possible bug. If you just come to this site to download AGS you also get version 3.5.1, I don't know if 3.6 is still in preview or what but it doesn't seem to be the current official release version.
That was in the first game. Melrin: The Deciple Ordeal, but I wouldn't really call that a joke though. But I kept it in the previously posted 20 annivercery remake of that game.
Thank you, his name is however Melrin not Merlin. The rin part is actually added to magicians of his land when they reach the master level of the magic art, or already when they are ready for their final apprentice test. This is not revealed in the game but 18 years ago I had a fourth Melrin game planned and in the story I wrote for that it was reviled that that was the case, however, I never finished that game, so maybe I will do it this time around.

This game was really the third in the series but I decided not to make a remake of the second part since it was a pretty short game and by far the weakest in the series. This one however was always my own favorite (if I'm allowed to have a favorite of my own games).
Melrin returns and in this adventure game, he is sent out to investigate a rumor that a dragon has returned after two centuries and is now pestering the countryside.

When the game starts Melrin already has three different items in his inventory, his book of magic in which you can read how to create various spells, his cauldron in which you mix ingredients to make the spells, and a magic map on which a new location automatically appears as soon as you've heard of it and you can instantly then travel between different locations.

You have to collect various items spread around the land and often combine different items to create new ones.

It can be downloaded here.
Quote from: Shadow1000 on Thu 16/02/2023 00:33:01One thing I would recommend is to proofread the captions and iron out spelling errors.
Thanks for the review. Were there any particular spelling errors that caught your eye? I'm from Sweden so not a native English speaker.
Thank you, I'm currently working on the remake of my third game in this series, Melrin: The Dragon Menace, I decided to not make a remake of the second game since it was kind of short, to begin with.
I wanted to import a new Font for dialog boxes however I accidentally imported it over the speech outline font. Is there any way to get that back?
In this game, you play as Melrin a magician disciple. When the game starts Melrin finds himself in a strange place, he has no idea where he is or how he got there. In fact, he has totally lost his memory.

After you've met the Guardian, you will be told that you have magically been transferred to this world to go through the test. A test to see if you are worthy of becoming a full-fledged magician.

You need to find the four crystals of the elements and to do that you have to use all your magic skills, the problem is that you've lost your memory and, because of that, lost all your knowledge about the art of magic. Your magical power has been stored in some spheres that have been spread throughout the land. So you'll need to find them first. You must also find and talk to the Fairy of the Heart, she will guide you throw your adventure.


I use version And the sound remains high regardless if it starts a new song or plays a sound effect. My workaround does fix it but there must be some underlying faulty behavior.
I don't know if this is a bug in AGS, but I have created a GUI for changing the System.Volume and the Game Speed. However when I open or restore a previously saved game the System.Volume isn't restored to what it was in the saved game. However when I open my "control panel" GUI, the slider for the Volume is still set lower than the maximum.

If I read what System.Volume is set at it reads 13, yet the music and sound effects are playing as if it was set to 100.

As a workaround I put the following code in the on_event handler:
Code: ags
if (event == eEventRestoreGame)
  if (System.Volume < 100)
    System.Volume = System.Volume + 1;
    System.Volume = System.Volume - 1;
    System.Volume = 99;
    System.Volume = 100;
But it's seems to be a bit redundant to have to do this,
Thank you eri0o, I have downloaded my old game from the archive and it still runs. However, if you run it in full-screen mode (which is intended) then if it ever moves to the background and you switch back to it the screen is distorted, at least on my Windows 11 computer. The new version doesn't seem to have that problem.

Just testing to see if I used the correct tag to hide some text.
Thank you again, Khris. I was searching for that function, SetWalkBehindBase, but couldn't find it. I have solved this in another way but this is great to know for the future.
Is it possible to remove and restore Walk-behind areas, just as we can remove and restore walkable areas? Maybe by just changing its baseline via a script?
Wow, yeah it looks like it is, I used to have these games on my own domain, which I don't have anymore. Anyhow, I will still make this remake. First of all because it's fun, but also for it to work correctly on modern computers.
The game is now released

It's been nearly 20 years since I last used AGS, and boy things have changed. But now that I've picked it up again and have some free time on my hands, I thought I would remake my very first game Melrin: The Disciple Ordeal since the original is not available anymore.

This time it will have completely new graphics since I don't have the original anymore, and it will be in 16:9 format.

If you have played the original there's one big change in this one, the original game had a maze and people hate mazes so I've created a completely new puzzle for that part. Also, you can't die in this game, which you could in the original, instead Melrin will avoid getting in those dangerous situations.

The story: Our hero, Melrin (yes, it's Melrin NOT Merlin) finds himself in a strange land, he has no idea how he got there or why. In fact, he has totally lost his memory. So the first task is to find out where he is and why he's there. After a while, after speaking to a certain character he finds out that he is a magician disciple and he has through magic been transferred to this land to go through his final test to find out if he is worthy of becoming a full-fledged magician.

He has to find the four crystals of the elements and offer them to the gateway of the worlds. To accomplish this he must use all his magical powers, the problem is that since he has lost his memory he has also lost all his knowledge of magic. Thankfully his knowledge of the art has been captured in some magical spheres that are spread all over the land, so he must find these to be able to locate the crystals.

The interface is pretty simple, left click means "walk to" or "interact with" an object or an NPC, and the mouse cursor will flash when you hover over something you can interact with. Right-clicking on an interactive area means "Look at" otherwise the right mouse button will toggle between the regular mouse cursor or the last active inventory item (you can also use the spacebar to do this toggle).

You can see your inventory list by moving the mouse cursor to the top of the screen, where you can also save or restore a game, quit the game, or show some help information.


Story: 100%
Scripting: 100%
Graphics: 100%
Sound/Music: 100%
Advanced Technical Forum / Re: Can't build EXE
Wed 25/01/2023 20:06:52
Thank you, I knew the file wasn't in use but I did have the output folder opened in File Explorer, closing that solved the issue.
When I try to build an EXE for my game I get the following error:

Unable to set EXE name/description: Unable to replace resource: EndUpdateResource for 00000001 failed: 0000006E

What's going on here?
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