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Messages - Emerald

Quote from: Ben304 on Sat 10/05/2008 14:07:27
...says the fellow who felt guilty about killing a wasp...


Meh, I never said anything about killing stuff with them. I'm actually pro-gun control. That doesn't mean guns aren't cool though...
Quote from: Babar on Fri 02/05/2008 04:57:25
I was not being able to sleep, and the internet was acting up, so I wasted my time doing this:

Heh, the only one of those things I don't also own (including the snazzy black fedora) is the rifle. And that's only 'cause this lame country doesn't have a craving for self-destructive traditions... (i.e. not even cops get guns)

I want a shotgun. Or a P-90. Or at least a Mauser C-96 Broomhandle (coolest gun ever)...
Quote from: Dualnames on Mon 28/04/2008 15:15:45
Zoey reminds me of an actor Zoey Deschanel search the google you will see my addiction... anyway hello and come forth..

That's another coincidence. I was just reading about her after I saw her in a trailer for the new Wizard of Oz series (Tin Man). You're probably talking about when she played Trillian in the Hitchhiker movie though, 'cause you seem oddly obsessed with that...

Quote from: Bookaholic on Sat 26/04/2008 07:02:58
Hee. Thanks. *hug*
Hmm.... Coincidental indeed. I'd love to discuss stuff sometime. 'Course it depends on your type of bookahol.   8)

I like most types of bookahol. As long as it's well-written... And not boring.

And involves a robot...
Zoey's a pretty name.

And what a coincidence: I, too, am addicted to bookahol...
She's right. "We've already discussed it" is not a valid excuse for having a terribly skewed competition section. What is it, 10 art competitions, 1 programming competition and 0 writing ones?
Disco's picture wont load for me...
Hey! It's a progressive simile, damnit.
See, I expanded on the common phrase 'luscious lips' by comparing them to fruit, which is sweet (and luscious) and conversely her lips do look like two watermelon slices.

But you just had to run such beautiful poetry by making me explain it. I hope you're happy...
You have purrty lips.
Full and luscious, like slices of fruit...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 05/03/2008 15:32:47
Happy Birthday Layabout. I love you man...

Mysterious bugger, aren't I?
(I look like Pablo's arch-nemesis :P)
Quote from: Dualnames on Fri 15/02/2008 09:21:44
Keep saying the last sentence to yourself you might actually believe it.

I meant that the other way around...

Female game developers are always hot, in my experience.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 17/02/2008 21:51:14
Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Sun 17/02/2008 21:06:29
Haha!  Thanks Fish!  It was a great day to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my 30th Birthday!

Quote from: voh on Thu 14/02/2008 12:36:16
Because everyone knows that if you want to meet girls, the internet's the place, and a game development forum's is definitely the best place to do it once you're there!  :P

You'd be surprised. The hottest girls are always game developers
Hm, I find there's a disappointing lack of chicks on this site...
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