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Messages - Aljoho

Uncle-mum - those are some scary undead eyes!

Anyway, I thought i'd join the club and scare you all with my hip new facial gang signs in the form of an animated GIF

it burns your eyes if you stare it it too long - too many repeats. :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 25/01/2009 21:32:23
Happy you-were-born day Trihan: purveyor of fine limericks
Quote from: ProgZmax on Thu 22/01/2009 01:13:52
I agree that the sprite jam does tend to be pixel art related, but only because it maximizes the number of potential members who can participate on some level, just as The Paint Game maximizes the number of contributors by allowing anyone with Paint or better to join.  In a perfect world everyone would join regardless of their chances of winning, but in the real world there are people that pass up more complicated competitions simply because they either lack the time to do concept art or detailed back stories (I fall into this category often) or because they feel outclassed.  This is just the way of things, I think, and my response in your sprite jam was more concern that you were reducing potential entrants by overcomplicating it with an almost workshop approach. 

Its not at all a workshop though - the way i understood the proposal was just to expand the mediums. (assuming we used 2A 2B ideas which split it into two competitions). Imagine it like this - there is a cake baking competition, but i suck at baking cakes. However if somebody started baking competition that allowed for cakes and cookies then i would be more likely to enter. It isn't a workshop, it just caters more to my skills because i can bake cookies but not cakes and it becomes a game not a 'slaughter'. Its not about winning, just having fun, sure, but I think creating a new competition or expanding the old one is only going to expand the audience because people can do what they are good at.

Admittedly this is a game creation forum and subsequently the majority can probably do pixel art, and a lot of people can do both lo and hi res stuff, but it will offer a way to either try something new or do what you are good at for those (which probably includes me) who aren't very good at either. People could always enter both the competitions if they split (time permitting) and could choose between what they enjoyed most if they were too busy to do both.
I agree with Loominous's idea - its worth a shot. As somebody said earlier if there are not enough entrants it will die, but it offers an opportunity to be creative - hell you could open it up more beyond just digital mediums and get some interesting things like lego entries or claymation or origami for people who are in to that kind of thing (I know this wasn't necessarily part of Loominous's suggestion but i think it would open it up to a wider audience which would be great).People could still use pixel art, but with 3D and hi res stuff as well. I mean just setting a theme such as 'steam punk' or 'Astrounaut' with no other restrictions and seeing what awesome and original artifacts/characters people can come up with would, i think, work well.

Aside from the miniscule amount of space it would take up on the server i cant really see any disbenefits. it would be fun and interesting to see what people can do beyond traditional pixel art. Call me a minority but I would definitely enter if i had time.
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