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Messages - abstauber

DemoQuest, because there weren't any completed games (laugh)

But the first proper one was also Rob Blanc.

If I understand you correctly, you want to change player.Say to player.SaySync.

This happens in VerbGui.asc::Unhandled

In the latest revision it starts in line 1985 and in detail in 2014
Code: ags
// unhandled USE
    if (Verbs.UsedAction(eGA_Use)) {
      // use inv on inv
      if (type >= 5) player.Say(verbsData.unhandled_strings[eVerbGuiUnhandledUseInv]);
      // use
      else player.Say(verbsData.unhandled_strings[eVerbGuiUnhandledUse]);

Here you can change .Say to .SaySync. And remember to have lipsync module above VerbGui.asc.

Many thanks for the investigation and the solution of this silly cross platform issue.
Being lazy I added autolf to my global config, so I don't run into this issue again with other projects:
Code: ags
git config --global core.autocrlf input
Thanks again  :)
Just finished it. I can't say that I understood much of what I saw, but it was enough to keep me interested  until the end.
Also the somehow the art style was very surprising. Well done!
hmm... I wasn't able to keep the history intact no matter what - I might try a newer partition soon.
But for now I did a soft reset and applied the change with a windows machine.
@AndreasBlack I'm afraid the template uses the built-in function "DynamicSprite.CreateFromSaveGame". So whatever resolution is set in the savegame screenshot, will be used to draw the button image.

I really just changed a single line, but on a Mac using Crossover. So maybe the fileencoding changed too and therefore git wasn't able to detect the changes anymore.
I'd just like to add that the fix is safe to use and I've already updated the Github Project.

Is there anything else that needs fixing while I'm around? Not that you have to wait another year or so   ;)
from what I've found out so far is that "IsInteractionAvailable" only stopped working with eModeUseinv.
edit: please ignore this. It's very possible that this is just a plain bug in the template.

Talking and everything still works without any changes.

So I'd say, the fix is safe to use - please do use :)

Hey, as always sorry for the late reply. I could have sworn, that this did work at a time. This option in the TemplateSettings controls this behavior
  Verbs.VerbGuiOptions[eVerbGuiApproachCharInteract] = true;

Found it
In VerbGui.asc at around 2488 (depends on your version of the template)
instead of
Code: ags
(IsInteractionAvailable (x, y, eModeUseinv) == 1)
Code: ags
character[verbsData.location_id].IsInteractionAvailable (eModeUseinv) == 1
Here's the complete block.
Code: ags
      // Giveto
      else if (( verbsData.AGSCursorMode == eModeUseinv) && verbsData.location_type==eLocationCharacter && Verbs.IsAction(eGA_GiveTo)) {
        lblAction.TextColor = verbsData.actionLabelColorHighlighted;
        Verbs.SetAction (eGA_Default);
        if (verbsData.approachCharInteract == false) {
          if (character[verbsData.location_id].IsInteractionAvailable (eModeUseinv) == 1) {
        else {
          if (Verbs.GoToCharacter(character[verbsData.location_id], 0, verbsData.NPCfacingPlayer, 2)) {
            if (character[verbsData.location_id].IsInteractionAvailable (eModeUseinv) == 1) {

This might also affect other bits of the template, so I won't push the update just yet.
And I still wonder if IsInteractionAvailable used to return any interaction, not just for rooms.
Two observations so far:

GetAxis should return bool according to the first post, but returns a float.

GetAxis detects the Y-Axis of my gamepad's right analog stick two times. The testgame shows the y-values at a2 and a3, and the x-values in a4.

I just gave this a go. After updating the gamepadv4 demo with the new api changes (line 70 and 72), it worked fine. I tested it with an 8bitdo Zero 2 Controller and a PS2 Gamepad+USB adapter. Both were detected instantly and every button worked fine.
One thing I recognized was: on the 8Bitdo pad, the dpad was exclusivly detected as analog left or L3.

On the PS2 pad it was the same until I activated the analog sticks. After that the dpad was mapped to the dpad and the analog sticks were correctly recognized as L3 and R4.

So all in all for a first test I'd say, it works very well. Next I'll upgrade my agsjoy game to this new version and have a look at that.
Thanks a lot for looking into this. Updating the code of my "game" for AGS4 is actually a great idea - and it's a good opportunity to get familiar with it once again.
The extended compiler is not too happy with all my legacy stuff going on, especially the tween module seems to need an update.
Anyhow the game starts and the difference is now a bit lower.


Just a small observation while I've been tinkering around with this: AGS 3.6.1b7 is quite a bit faster.

My testgame draws almost everything directly on a room surface and is quite heavy on the scripting side. In AGS 3.6.1b7 I get around 517 FPS, whereas in AGS4a3 it's 'just' around 310 FPS. But apart from this and the 16-bit graphics issue, it appears to be pretty stable indeed.
Editor Development / Re: AGS Editor on macOS
Mon 21/08/2023 14:14:12
CrossOver 23 was just released and it runs the AGS Editor really well - at least on an intel Mac (test AGS 3.6.1 on Ventura and BigSur)
It's very nice finally being able to start up AGS again without digging up the old Windows Notebook.
So long Slasher  :~(
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 24/01/2023 20:27:10
yup that's it!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 24/01/2023 10:38:50
now with a bit of UI
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 19/01/2023 12:10:45
Nope as well... but both games are way more fun than the one I'm looking for.
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