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Messages - Irishrichy

The post office seems to appear and disappear between games, alright. Same with Dominatrix Pizza. Hopefully there'll be a little consistency in the future, cause it must be very confusing to newcomers.
Richy here, creator of Mi5 Bob and The Spoons.

Now that RON has a brand spanking new location, and hopefully some more exposure to other people in the AGS forums, hopefully we'll see a new generation of people adding games to RON. It's important that we make it as easy for people as possible to learn about the intricacies of the whole RON universe.

I think the idea of having canon and non canon games is a great idea. As is the idea of putting it to a vote, whether new games can become part of the canon or not.
It means creators have freedom to try something different, and people new to RON, have a starting point, to learn the long history, but also don't need to worry about ruining anything in the RON universe, as I can imagine it's a little indimidating for newcomers to have to follow so much history.

jetxl has already recorded walkthroughs of some of the Early games. I think it would be a great idea to have walkthroughs of all the canon games, so that people can get a feel for the RON universe without having to spend days playing each and every game.

I'm looking forward to seeing Project Recap, which sounds like it'll be great. If you have any questions about any of the characters(MI5 Bob, Richy, Claudia, Chris Furlong, Joe Linders, Nick Linders, Jackie Furlong) or places(Linders of RON, Richy Records), I added to the game, don't hesitate to send me a PM.
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