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Messages - Midian Design

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 23/12/2013 08:54:54
Ok, there's a lot of people with this problem (in hi res games).

I found this code by WHAM:
Code: ags

int walkies = 1;

function repeatedly_execute() {

int areanumber = GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(), player.y - GetViewportY());

// When ego walks off a walkable area
if (areanumber == 0) {
// First force him to move one pixel left
  if (walkies == 1) {
  cEgo.Move(cEgo.x - 2, cEgo.y, eBlock, eAnywhere);
  walkies = 0; } 
  // And if that didn't work, two pixels to the right.
  else {
  cEgo.Move(cEgo.x + 4, cEgo.y, eBlock, eAnywhere);  
  walkies = 1;
// When all is right again, reset the rig.
else if (areanumber != 0) {
  walkies = 1;

But it doesn't work until I set borders to the edges (0,768, 1024 or larger).
Before the new edges, EGO gets stuck and the code doesn't work, with 0 border it's ok (don't ask me why).

I modify
Code: ags

  cEgo.Move(cEgo.x - 2, cEgo.y, eBlock, eAnywhere);

Code: ags

  cEgo.Move(cEgo.x + 2, cEgo.y + 2, eBlock, eAnywhere);

And it seems perfect for my case.

Pleeeeeease fix this issue in hi-res games when you can  ;) It works but it's not a perfect solution  :)
There are very large rooms, but it stuck also in non-scrolling rooms.
Oh sorry, we talk a lot about in the completed forum and I forgot :D

It stuck randomly, doesn't matter if there's a big box or a line 8 px height.
I played the game from the start to the end and nothing happens, I do it again and stuck in a room, but there's people in this forum saying that stuck every 2 rooms... very annoing :(
Someone trying JJ Gun said that the character without reason stuck, he can talk, look, but not walk anymore.
I use AGS 3.1 in 1024x768, walkpath are really simple and big and so... If someone knows this issue.... :)
Thank You.
The Game:
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