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Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 06/03/2013 14:36:40
For the time being at least, I've made the mention of the full site plaintext rather than a link.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 06/03/2013 14:28:42
Maybe put "homepage" icon/graphic with a link on top of the forum board?

This actually is in the site code, it's just never worked for some reason.  I'll keep fiddling, try to get it working.

Quote from: Babar on Wed 06/03/2013 13:59:24
Or "Site" or "Main Site", even. No need to AGS-tag every AGS-thing with AGS on the AGS-site and AGS-forum.

I was going for a uniformity of design and titling.  The word AGS (or "Adventure Game Studio") appears no more now than it did before, it just said "AGS Forums" before rather than the full name.

Plus, branding is good!  SEO is important!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 04/02/2013 16:41:38
Happens to me in Chrome too actually.  I'll hunt around, see if I can find a cause...
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sun 03/02/2013 18:58:38
Quote from: cat on Sun 03/02/2013 17:12:19
It just happened again - I voted a game (subAtomic) and added a comment. The votes were stored, the comment not.

Took me ages to work this out, but I was using completely the wrong variable name for the put the comment into the database bit, so none of them were being recorded.  Apparently we missed that in our testing!  Fixed now.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 01/02/2013 12:01:12
Quote from: cat on Fri 01/02/2013 11:17:35
At work: Firefox 18.0.1, Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
I'll add my home setup as soon as I'm back at home.

That's exactly the setup I use at work.  Not that that means a huge amount with Firefox of course, since there are addons and extensions that could cause problems.  Nothing client side should be able to cause a database error regardless though, so it's quite weird!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 31/01/2013 16:40:49
Makes sense!  Are you using a different OS, browser (version), etc?  No logical reason why that would cause a database error of course...
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 31/01/2013 14:07:09
Quote from: selmiak on Thu 31/01/2013 13:55:18
edit: rechecked, seems to work...?!

I suppose I'll have to take your word for that, since you removed all evidence of what the actual problem was!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 31/01/2013 08:12:07
Quote from: Ryan Timothy on Wed 30/01/2013 23:16:48
I like having that Google location thing, but just out of curiosity and OCD issues, is it possible to have it not show when there is no location set for that person?

Turns out the Google Maps mod developer thought of this: all I had to do was uncomment one line of code and it was done!  Nice not to have to go around wildly hacking for a change.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 30/01/2013 22:02:10
Quote from: Snarky on Wed 30/01/2013 20:14:47
The AGS Awards nomination banner at the top of the site says that I've already nominated, but I haven't.

I guessed what this was the second I read your post.  I forgot to confine it to nominations this year as opposed to nominations ever.  Should be correct now?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 26/01/2013 11:51:19
I can't really really that image, since it's so tiny!  What resolution are you using on your machine?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 26/01/2013 11:05:43
Quote from: Tabata on Sat 26/01/2013 08:45:07
For me it looks like Frodo described it. (nod)

Also I still have the lines not sorted in the profiles (about what the member did for the named game). The jobs start at the first line and are not „connected“ to the game.
So if you make the browser smaller to get two lines for one (name of a) game, it doesn't effect the lines of the listed jobs. They stay in place from the top, no matter which game is listed on the left side at this line â€" so you can't see, what the one did for the game.

I just didn't post here (again) because I use IE (even if it is the current version).  :sealed:

Does this only happen on certain members' profiles?  If so, can you give me an example?

What browser(s) and platform(s) are you both using?  It shouldn't make a difference, but just so I can check to see if that's having an effect.

I think the most likely problem is the resolution you're viewing the profiles at though.  I use 1920x1200, and Calin (whose profile I think you screenshotted?)'s profile shows fine.  If you use a lower resolution, the stupidly long name of IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! is going to cause the two lines to become out of sync where it wrap around.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 25/01/2013 17:23:04
Quote from: cat on Fri 25/01/2013 13:57:46
At the bottom of a person's profile page I see
"Database Error"
"Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."

Which user?  I've taken a look at various people's profiles, and it doesn't happen to me!

Quote from: Frodo on Fri 25/01/2013 16:42:46
The 'REPLY' button at top of screen, is just a navy blue rectangle.  You can't read it, unless you hover your mouse over it. 

It works fine for me, in Internet Explorer and Firefox, using both the AGS and AGS Compact themes...  Try pressing CTRL+SHIFT+R to force a full refresh.

We seem to have found and fixed most of the little bugs that still existed after the recent site changes, but please post here and let me know if you find any problems.  I am aware the games page search is a bit wonky atm, and will fix that soon.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 17/07/2012 13:02:44
Quote from: kconan on Tue 17/07/2012 12:47:23
  VeryWeirdGuy sent me a PM at 12:04 board time beating you by a minute AGA...Sorry man.  I still have HL2 and its first Episode.

Grumble grumble Scottish bastard grumble.  I've got all the Half-Life games already, thanks.  I think I have a spare Episode One key myself.

I'll leave this thread open, since it seems to have turned into a key offering free for all.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 17/07/2012 12:05:47
Duke Nukem Forever, please.  PM me the key?
I suppose he must have been grateful for the break from signing Star Wars memorabilia.
How passe! A load of us met him almost 3 years ago.
Ah, good good. I read this myself, but didn't have access to a scanner. Thanks.
Quote from: [lgm] on Sun 18/12/2005 06:48:15
Wow. Youre eyes are very blue.

You've got quite the photogenics.


Beyond Reality has been hosted here ever since its first release.
That's not the game Crysinth is looking for. The AGS-made Donnie Darko game was a MAGS game made by Grundislav. You'll be able to get it as soon as my site is working again in a week's time, Crysinth :P
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