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Messages - Abisso

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/09/2013 15:29:35
This time I haven't got a clue, so I'm doing some research, just for fun.

Discovered the existence of a "Double Portrait" film, but it seems highly unlikely to be related.

Also, I'd like to ask: are the portraits important / is the screenshot a good depiction of the film?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/09/2013 15:53:11
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 21/09/2013 15:47:13
I think this is "Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA" aka "J.S.A.: Joint Security Area".

Wow, that was fast. I took the screenshot by myself and I believe it summarizes the movie very well, but still... I'm impressed!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/09/2013 14:37:40
Quote from: Abisso on Sat 21/09/2013 01:37:46
It's Superman!

Oh my, I'm so stressed these days. Actually, after my lousy joke I meant to wrote what I'm mostly sure is the correct answer: Serial Lover. Not 100% sure, but 99% yes.

And I though I had written it! Also, it seems I missed the line "Is it a bird?" from the previous quotation.

What about this one?

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/09/2013 01:37:46
It's Superman!
Quote from: Moresco on Sun 20/03/2011 02:27:00
Quote from: Abisso on Fri 18/03/2011 17:10:31

*his mind goes to that time he had to manually rename 60.000 files miraculously recovered from his broken hard disk*

60,000?!??! dear god man! I would have given up after 1000 files.

Well, not exactly 60.000, to be honest. Some of them were automatically restored with their extension too, thanks to a life-saving application. But surely more than 10.000. The event stole my will to create AGS games too (since I was been able to recover game development files just partly), and still, 5 years after the accident, I haven't created anything else.

Back on topic though: my netbook's motherboard battery doesn't work anymore, and at the start, I'm asked to load BIOS default options to go on, which is a bit annoying. Expired batteries are a common event with PCs, and it takes just 5$ + 5 minutes to change it. But in this case, I'd have to open the netbook completely to reach the battery and this is both dangerous for its integrity and time-taking. Question is: other than having to press F2 every time I turn the netbook on, and having a wrong time and date, what are possible extra problems a dead CMOS battery can give?
Quote from: Mati256 on Thu 10/03/2011 00:02:25
I am thinking in buying a 500GB External Hard Drive.
I have two options, Hitachi and Samsung. I know Samsung is a well known brand in TV and other stuff, are their HD good to? Hitachi is a lot cheaper.  ;D
Are there any computer geeks with an opinion on this subject?

I've had bad experiences with Maxtor which now's been acquired by Seagate, and good experience with Hitachi. I'm neutral towards WD since I've only used my external WD hard disk just a few times, and I've never known Samsung sold hard disks too.

My suggestion is to buy two cheap ones, and regularly mirror them. The only safety is in duplication.

*his mind goes to that time he had to manually rename 60.000 files miraculously recovered from his broken hard disk*
I'm pretty sure you already have, but take a look here:

Maybe you've got an incompatible Itunes version.
QuoteI don't think it's car glass that froze water here:

Well, actually each material has a different conductivity. And that determines how good it is to exchange heat as well.

Calin Leafshade explains this pretty well, and I agree:

QuoteActually, all objects sitting long enough become 'room temperature', and the reason metal or tiles feel cold to the touch is because they are good conductors. The sensation of the coldness is due to a large amount of energy from your hand being transferred to the other object quickly (so we do not so much feel the 'coldness' but we feel 'negative' heat). This is because the human body is not good at quantifying things, just good at comparing them. e.g. If you put your left hand in cold water, and your right hand in hot water, then put them both in a bowl of warm water, your right hand will feel cold, and your left had will feel hot. Or you can only smell something in a room for a few seconds until your brain accepts this as the 'norm' and stops processing it.

So a metal object which has been in a room for a long time is not still cold, it just heats up really quickly.
QuoteThis has bugged me couple of days now.
If I had bucket of room temperature water (10 liters), would it be possible to cool an object (like a rock) so cold that it would freeze all the water in the bucket. Let's say the bucket would be 20 liters so no water would escape even if the object would displace 10 liters. So how cold the object would have to be? How big would it have to be? What material would it have to be?

I usually think about situations at the "limit" to solve this kind of problems. So let's cool a bucket of water till about (just a bit more than) 0° C. Then it's quite obvious that putting an object with an adequately lower temperature will suffice to freeze the water. Exact temp and mass of the object I don't know, but it's surely possible, under certain conditions, as long as you don't put restrictions on the mass and temperature of the object. Real life restrictions could probably involve the lower temperature easily achievable. I believe you can use liquid nitrogen to reach really low temps.

P.S. Objects actually happen to freeze water even as we speak: never noticed how the ice is usually found over car's windows, even when puddles aren't frozen?
I can't download neither "Sol" nor "The Crown of Gold". Maybe the link is broken? Is there another place where I can find those?

Oh, and (even if this problem seems just mine) I can't download "No Action  Jackson" too.
The .zip file for Rob Blanc 2 (downloaded from the main ags games page) is corrupted, I tried to download it several times, but this has not helped.

Anyone can try please, or gimme another mirror to download it, or even e-mail it to me? 

Hello! I'm new to this forum even if I know (and sometimes use) AGS from about a year.
I'm Italian, from Livorno and, what to say?

"Deh, ciao a tutti!"

Translation: More or less "Whoa, hi to everyone!"
P.S. "Deh" is a complicated word to translate.
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