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Messages - Adeel

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 22/06/2016 22:53:44
Thanks, guys. But I had already googled the image when I was getting the strong vibes of Andrea's signature style. As such, I had already known that this game was Donald Dowell (a game I had been meaning to play for a long time and even carry it with myself on my USB flash drive). I refrained from further posting because of the obvious reasons.

As such, I feel that I really don't deserve the turn. With feelings of gratitude, I'd like Dave to take his rightful turn. :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 17/06/2016 21:49:04
Dunno why, but the art style reminds me of AprilSkies...
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 07/06/2016 01:53:50
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 15/03/2016 10:42:34
I think I recall seeing something visually similar in Assassin's Creed, but I'm not sure.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 02/03/2016 21:38:14
Yeah, it's a Japanese visual novel. It's a proper Windows program i.e. not a DOS-based game. When you click the right mouse button, a neat menu pops up which is similar to that of Windows 2000.

It was released in USA by 2003. And I've confirmed that the entry about this game does exist on Mobygames. Here, another screenie with a most visited scene with the menu I was talking about:


Try harder, amigo! Use your vast knowledge about Japanese visual novels! ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 01/03/2016 18:58:34
This game quite fits with the current page no. of the thread:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 01/03/2016 16:15:58
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 01/03/2016 11:26:22
(it really was a super easy one, since the title is quite literally in your signature).

How about the possibility that the guesser might have actually played both of his games?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 29/02/2016 22:18:15
Ben There, Dan That
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 10/02/2016 09:48:23
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 21:49:58
That it is :) First one I ever played and easily one of the most replayable ones. Your turn!
I agree. You have a great taste in the games. :) For me, the first one was "The Three Sisters' Story".

I'll put up a screenshot later tonight. Should I fail to do so, I'd like you to put up another one (so as long as it is from a visual novel - 'cause that's what I intend to do myself).
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 10/02/2016 09:45:00
Happy belated birthday, Icey boy! ;-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 09/02/2016 21:20:49
Now that I recall it, it certainly can't be "The Three Sisters' Story" because it had a different interface, although the publisher is the same.

It is Seasons of Sakura. A good visual novel. ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 09/02/2016 17:34:28
I think I have played this one. Is it:

The Three Sisters' Story or Sakura Spirit?

E: The game seems to be from the DOS and/or early Windows period. I've a few more names in my mind, but I'll not be giving away those names for now.
Welcome, YORiso! Looking forward to see your projects. :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 08/01/2016 09:42:07
Happy birthday, Mark!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 07/01/2016 21:24:52
It's that time of the year again...

Happy Retro, Birthday Wolf! ;-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 06/01/2016 16:18:45
Quote from: LindaBelle on Wed 06/01/2016 12:41:07
Look like the Human Centipede :confused:

Nice movie! :=
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 06/01/2016 16:12:03
People don't jumping out of my way whenever I'm driving on the footpath at high speeds, resulting in me seriously injuring and/or killing them!
Welcome to the AGS community, Retro Wolf! ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 16/11/2015 18:56:07
Happy birthday, Hanna!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 20/08/2015 18:26:33
Happy 60th birthday, slasher! Now aim for the 69th one! ;)
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