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Messages - Atelier

Some Midwest emo ;) (cue internet flamewar about music genres)
Jami Sieber - Maenam, ie Braid soundtrack!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 13/04/2015 11:13:51
Thanks guys! :3
A photo of me during my down time.

Anybody know how to buy a single shoe? I found a brand new converse and would legit wear it if I knew how to find a partner for it.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 04/06/2014 03:09:04
HBD quaptain_Nemo!!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 13/02/2014 06:40:07
Ricky Gervais! The Office
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 13/02/2014 05:40:12
Das Boot
Quote from: Tinytim on Mon 04/11/2013 15:20:07
What is the last thing you take off before you go to bed?

The duvet (then get under)?
7 (s/even)
Being really picky here :-D 'Your escape' is equally if not more valid than 'haste' for

Inside a burning house,
This thing is best to make.
And best to make it quickly before,
The fire's too much to take.

In line 3 'making your escape quickly' makes a lot more sense than 'making haste quickly'.
1. Your escape
2. Tired
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 07/10/2013 13:36:33
Happy Birthday Peder!!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 26/09/2013 03:29:12
Hey happy belated birthday Bulbapuck :) Im sure youll evolve one day eventually - you just need to find a trainer that really caresx for you :)
What is the meaning of life? Serious asnwers only please.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 26/09/2013 02:52:18
Ponch dude that looks like a weird ass flick
Quote from: Renodox on Tue 10/09/2013 21:27:36
The answer is what people say is never the answer.

That's it, thanks Calin !
Quote from: bicilotti on Fri 30/08/2013 03:26:44
Not being British, there is something that I don't get: how do MPs actually vote on such matters? In an 'overt' way (rising their hands, etc.) or not (casting vote in a ballot box, electronic procedure, etc.).

It's Westminster, so voting certainly isn't done electronically :P I went on a tour of the Houses of Parliament a couple of days ago, it's surprising how behind the times and how many old traditions remain.

So, when the Speaker calls for a vote, and there is an audible division in opinion (people shout 'aye' and 'no' to the motion), he shouts "clear the lobby". This lobby is the central one connecting the Lords and Commons chambers. It needs to be cleared because this is where those abstaining from the vote can gather, and where everybody eventually passes through. A bell sounds throughout Westminster then MPs have 8 minutes to arrive before the doors are shut and they cannot vote.

The voting MPs file out of the Commons chamber and go down two separate corridors parallel to either side of the Commons: an "aye" corridor and a "no" corridor. The MPs are literally counted by clerks at desks, as they pass through the exit of the corridor. There are three lanes dividing up the alphabet for surnames, to make it easier to count people. I assume their names are taken down for reference but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't. Either way, the system makes it difficult for votes to be truly confidential.

Then the clerks pass their count to the chamber where it's read out.

My question:

The music video is solely a man reading the lyrics scrolling up on a screen in front of him. The text is mirrored cos he's facing us.. anybody know which song this is?
A command, a pull back on the reins, a 'whoa boy', etc?
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