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Messages - Atelier

If not grass, then a rope/lead?
1. Horseshoes?
1. A bee hive?
1. Coffin with a body in.
2. Candle?
3. Front entrance/doorway.
Is #3 lane/road?
Screen-shotted and did search by image - it is Clockwork Orange!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 05/06/2013 17:48:04
Ponch has been using the forum search again to find all the latest mentions of Blade Runner.
Towelie from South Park!
1. Sunshine
2. Surname
3. Driver?
I think the question has been clipped short, how old is this message?

So... 'age old'?
Ooh good one. I thought lee as in "lee |liː| noun the sheltered side of something" hence moss on a tree. Instead of the name Lee, duh.
Is it moss?
2. (White) hair?
1. Something that displaces a few pounds of the rainwater? Urm, a beach-ball just heavy enough to sink? ;)
2. My first thought was that it couldn't be an object because it's talking about any foe which is too general for that. So it has to be a concept. It makes sense if the defeat references itself. Is it 'winning', 'success' etc?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 13/04/2013 18:00:27
Thanks guys!
Quote from: Renodox on Fri 09/11/2012 07:04:12
It starts with the meeting of two failures.

So like, you begin with a compound of two synonyms of failure? Only obvious one is defeat. Or it could mean a failure in the sense of 'engine failure' but that's unlikely.

Yet I'm thinking the answer is actually physically inside the riddle? 'Meeting' 'about (around)' 'ending' are all sort of prepositional in this context.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 13/08/2012 20:00:33

Here we go. I already took a slice - but only to see if it was safe to eat I assure you. Happy Birthday Tabata and Wonkyth!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 28/07/2012 21:02:14
That's the one thanks :)
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