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Messages - Atelier

I can imagine being a snake in a shoe shop would be pretty dangerous, I mean, they could be mistaken for a shoe lace and threaded to death in a painful manner :-[
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Why does the moon shrink when you look at it through a camera?
Quote from: Dualnames on Sun 06/02/2011 06:50:11
Quote from: Grim on Sun 06/02/2011 05:40:12
This is not a wheelchair for two- it's a single wheelchair for fat people.... ::)

LOL. Stop being so cynical :P

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do,
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage -
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet upon the seat
Of a wheelchair built for twoooo!
Peder, look through this: According to one of the comments this band recorded the song for the video, not sure how reliable that is.
Quote from: Calin Leafshade on Tue 07/12/2010 22:16:37

Quote from: Domino on Tue 07/12/2010 23:01:17
Atelier, You my friend are a Beautiful Person..... :-*

Thanks guys, although I hear that a lot! Unfortunately I'm taken already with my beautiful girlfriend. (Sorry to ruin your fantasies Dualnames!)


Here's me when I went sightseeing to London, and on my trip to Paris last year.

The truth is out!
That didn't stop me =D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 16/08/2010 10:04:19
Happy birthday Gord and Khris :) Have a great day.

That post deserves a LOL!
It looks pretty un-cavelike to me. Are you sure it's not made of Styrofoam?

Lick it and see.
It's ok, I understand! The easiest way to overcome your please-ignore-my-hair conditioning is telling us to look at the hair! And the last picture shows the expression of somebody deep in thought.

You were thinking about your hair weren't you? :=
Edit for new message: How do I set the language that appears on my profile? I can see no field for it.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 25/01/2010 13:40:15
Happy birthday Trihan, wherever you are!
But CJ told me off last time I wrote on his garden wall. It'll teach me to keep my distance next time... ::)

Joking of course. Although I love what you've done with your bedroom interior CJ.
Just now the forums were down for me. It soon picked up again, but I was just wondering whether there is a back-up plan if, for some reason, the forums went down permanently?
Heh, that's exactly what AGS is for! You've certainly found the best program for adventures, but yes, not the right thread. :D Good luck with your game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 20/11/2009 15:53:20
Happy birthday CJ, and thanks for such a wonderful program!
Oi, where did you get your hands on that!?
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