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Messages - Babar

I'm looking for the title and author of a short story that I think was in Esquire Magazine. I remember reading it in a collection of short stories from Esquire Magazine, but googling doesn't seem to help in this case.
What I can remember of it is that it was about a man at the train station, waiting for something, and he just sat there and sat there and sat there, and I think it ended with him saying "I am paralysed" or something like that.

Its very vague, I know, but hopefully someone will recognise it?
The one I have has acsetup.cfg and untitled.agr modified on 31/1/2006, but META.exe and winsetup.exe modified on 1/1/2006 (Date created is just now, because I just unzipped it, and date created on the archive is from when I copied over my old files). Do you remember there being any changes to the game between the time you released it and the build you have?
Quote from: bicilotti on Mon 17/03/2014 20:09:46
I found baraag, but I must admit it's the first time I have seen it used.
I don't think "baraag" is used for elephant noises in english at all. Quite a few of those from your link seem quite wrong as well: Baa for sheep but Naa for a goat? Clang for a crane and grumph for a camel?

I don't know what the onomatopoeic expression for the noise an elephant makes would be, and I suspect there isn't one, but if I am not mistaken, an elephant trumpets?
You can make whatever you want, the content you create can't really be regulated by the creator of AGS (or anyone, really).
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 22/01/2014 15:29:12
I've been trying to hunt down the reason, but I've often noticed that threads I clicked on still show up as new. I've just not figured out why, as I can't reproduce it consistently. Possibly has something to do with my constant new-tab opening each forum page.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 08/01/2014 14:32:57
Happy birthday, m0dulatorzz!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 06/01/2014 03:31:13
Happy SSHDay, wherever you are!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 02/01/2014 16:52:42
Nope, you're right, it happens with me too.
I always thought of Pick of the Month as a sort of showcase of cool games you might've missed when they came out, or that may have slipped through the cracks, so I don't see why The Bunker should be too old to be acceptable.
In the same vein, a pretty short game that I'd suggest: Captain Cringe
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 27/12/2013 20:58:24
You're too late, Adeel, you already missed it. Maybe you can get one next year :P
Hmmmm....Robert Graves wrote many poems about his experiences in the First World War. Not sure how much more serious you can get than that.

I guess that would be one way to search out stuff you're interested in. Google things like '"World War two" poet' or '"Cold war" poet', specific to the subject.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 26/12/2013 19:53:41
Don't worry, you didn't. Technically, there's still about 12 hours to go before the 24 hours period following the time of my birth elapses.

Thanks for the wishes, everyone!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 21/12/2013 09:18:32
I haven't changed any of my firefox settings, and so far it seems only AGS is like this, but the text in the forum list and topic list seems to have bloated up. The forum names and topic starters seem to be the same size, but the topic names and Replies/Views have increased in size. Is it just me?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 20/11/2013 10:10:33
Happy Pumaday, everyone! :D
(also happy birthday vwug)
COUNTIF(firstcell:lastcell; "y")
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/11/2013 11:06:27
I could be anal and ask you to be more exact (Protostar: War on the Frontier), but yeah, you're right, festilligamble!

It wasn't a super-amazing game or anything, but I'm surprised the resident experts didn't know about it :D. Was an okay enough first person space exploration trading/fighting (and a small bit of adventure RPG) type sim in the vein of the Star Control series.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 13/11/2013 15:18:31
Space is not part of the title. I suppose in the form of a hint, I could say that the title DOES involve a...spacey thing?
I wasn't expecting this one to be so hard.

And no. Not Purple Saturn Day (was surprised that such a game name actually existed :D)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 13/11/2013 14:50:36
None of those. But...I guess you caught on that it involved space?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 13/11/2013 12:01:06
I spent many weeks on that game. Was great fun. Castle of the Winds!
The author released the game for free later, so while it may be a bit of a problem getting it to run on modern computers, I'd still recommend you try it out:

Since there's not really much probability that I'm wrong, here is my screenshot. A bit easy, but I'm in a hurry:
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