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Messages - BadLuckBurt

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 03/03/2018 12:39:56
Quote from: Mouth for war on Thu 01/03/2018 01:16:17
Ghost 'n' goblins ending: You must play through the game again..yeah because that game was soooo easy to beat the first time. Maybe I suck but that was one of the hardest games ever IMO :-D

Oh man, blast from the past. Now I have to go and play that. Been ages since I tried, don't think I ever finished it. Wish me luck (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 26/02/2018 20:33:20
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sun 25/02/2018 11:37:45
Remember the old days. A black screen and "Thank you for playing" talk about putting energy into that ending :-D

At least they had an excuse back then :D

Playing QFG4: Shadows of Darkness now, always loved that ending and John Rhys-Davies as narrator works so well
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 24/02/2018 09:24:46
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sat 24/02/2018 02:51:57
Wow it really must've been a horrible ending then XD

It was for me :D Just glad there's plenty of games with good endings to offset this monstrosity :P

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 23/02/2018 17:47:34
Space Marine(s)?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 23/02/2018 15:22:01
Finished Tumbleweed Park last night and I don't care for the ending one bit. It's hollow, insulting and very, very cheap. Ron Gilbert is probably laughing his ass off but wth was he thinking. If he puts out another adventure game, I'll pass and stick to his 'classic' stuff.

Comparing this game to Technobabylon which I finished a few months ago, I'll be sure to recommend TB to anyone who wants to try a modern adventure game.

On a technical level, TP feels under-executed and / or underutilized. I love the backgrounds, top-notch work there from Mark Ferrari (I actually learnt about the game from watching his GDC video) but then there's the 'lighting' that sometimes shows up over characters but most of the time it just doesn't. Missed chance there in my opinion, same with non-working mirrors (in this age, really?). I really don't see why they would have visual effects in one scene but then in the next, it's as flat the character shading. Overall it just feels very inconsistent, they could've done a lot more interactivity, the CPU power is more than there these days and GPUs are probably left wondering what they should do after finishing rendering a frame in 1ms.

The story wasn't that engaging but it was interesting enough for me to want to see where it would take me, entered the factory with high expectations to only be greeted by one of the biggest disappointments I've had in a game. They have the gall to poke fun at the notorious Sierra deaths talking about how their method 'takes more effort but in the end it pays off', I had more fun following proper procedure in Police Quest and pumping the Death Angel full of lead than I had with this crap ending. If I ever play through TP again, Dolores is gonna push the button on that device for sure.
guess Sierra was right about BOOM! after all

I have always enjoyed both Sierra and LucasArts games and shit-talking your long-gone competition after all this time just feels freaking childish to me. They both did it back in the days but that was a back-and-forth thing, Epic did the same thing with Duke Nukem but it was always friendly jabs (doomed space marine, not being afraid of no quake), this felt a lot more malicious. Sierra games these days would probably just auto-save and give you the death animations, allowing you to rewind immediately.

I hardly ever make posts like these but TP definitely rubbed me the wrong way and I'd be more than happy to point out on the Ransome doll where it touched me :~(

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/02/2018 15:27:27
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 14/02/2018 15:22:06
That's Shadow Of The Comet

Correct :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/02/2018 15:06:00
It is The Underground Man:
Never played it but it looks cool. Will have to pick it up some time.

New one:

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