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Messages - Baron

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 28/03/2013 03:16:27
Quote from: Tramponline on Mon 25/03/2013 15:04:33
WOW! I tried to make that shot as obscure as possible without being unfair. But that didn't seem to bother Baron one bit. Dead on target!

I'd recognize Ootah's polo-ball sized head anywhere.   ;)

Here's an easy one for Ponch:


....and don't try cheating by googling "Giant Breast" 'cause you'll get WAAAAAAAAAAY off-task in the process.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 27/03/2013 01:03:55
I usually don't have a clue what you guys are guessing at (especially Ponch), but I think this might be "The Man Who Would Be King".
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 20/03/2013 11:44:20
Sorry, you mentioned Ursula Andress and I just kind of zoned out after that....
"My mom is a fan of your wife's singing."

or maybe she liked your dog's barking....  It's hard to tell with the various assortment of suburban life-partners these days.   (roll)
Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Mon 14/01/2013 09:30:51
Hourgames would probably be better presented in video, I think.

I think Francisco's oral description of which sprite looks like a blob and which sprite looks like a blob with a butt would suffice for my tastes, but then that's just me....   ;)

Entertaining.  I mean, I miss some of the "high-input" segments obviously, but it was interesting to hear your further-developed Mordalles conspiracy theories.  It's interesting that the podcast lasted for about an hour, and you were talking about hour games you both had previously made: if only there were a way to combine the two projects in an amusing way....
Logic dictates that the Ensign in question would perish....
Alright, we've got nine characters.  Three of these characters must merge with neighbouring characters to produce 6 "solution characters".  There has to be a cue for when mergers take place: a pattern if you will [/Dr. Evil voice].  An obvious cue would be a character itself, but there are not exactly three of any type of character.  This much we know for sure.
    Now to speculate: the only characters in sufficient numbers to indicate the magic 3 mergers are A and C.  Perhaps the rule is when you see "A", it merges with the very next character to create a new one.  So we have AA B C AC AC C.  It is possible that A always merges with the preceding character, but in such a circumstance the first "A" is rather anomalous.  A third possibility is that the cue to merge is the character "C", and that it always merges with the following character, thus: A A B CA CA CC.  Thus rule might be reversed as well (C merges with the preceding character), but that makes the final "C" awkward.  So chances are there are two possiblities:

AA B C AC AC C     or        A A B CA CA CC

The first one has a more satisfying distribution of accreted characters, so let's go out on a limb and examine it more closely (the second one starts with an awkward double letter anyway).  The end of the word draws the eye, since it has a distinct pattern.  It could be anything, but common word endings in this pattern are ELLE, ESSE and ETTE, or (inverting consonants & vowels) NOON, REER, SEES and DEED.  Suddenly plausible (although not yet mentioned in a ballpark manner....) are words like CAREER or INDEED (especially appealing since only vowels require double characters....).

Reconciling all of the above with your thinly veiled hint that Alan v. Drake was pretty close with either a geometric answer (square or matrix) or puzzling one (sudoku) is harder....
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 28/11/2012 01:24:12
The Devil in Miss Jones!  Or Hell Comes To Mayberry.... probably the vintage pornography one. (roll)

Is it like one of those letter substitution things?  Like A=E, C=S, etc..?

Or do double letters stand for sequential letters, and singles stand for the next letter in line, then skip by twos, thus creating ABCDEFGHI?  I don't know.  I think without a hint it's all just a shot in the dark.  Is the answer
So it`s just an everyday normal bird, except that it has some sort of tree allergy so gives them a wide berth?
Quote from: Renodox on Sat 24/11/2012 22:07:20
...To fly a distance free...
Quote from: MurrayL on Sat 24/11/2012 23:06:34
An aeroplane?

Nothing is ever free on an aeroplane.  Besides, they sometimes end up in trees when they crash.

I'm thinking it's fat girls.  "Bird" is British slang for girl; "flying" can be a synonym for spanning, and indeed they can span some considerable distances at no cost; and fat girls are never EVER in trees, although sometimes they are found lying near felled timber....  As for naming the particular fat girl... well, that could lead to a whole world of politically incorrect fun.  Who's for it?
Is it some manner of shrubbery, then?
Quote from: Renodox on Thu 15/11/2012 04:45:12
A direction associated with birds.

Ornithophilia.  Oh wait, a DIRECTION....  No idea.
Wasn't Seth also a son of Adam & Eve?  And Able was hardly a failure.... unless you count being murdered as a failure.

Is it something to do with misogyny?  The two failures are two X chromosomes (X for wrong = failure).  So a woman starts with "two failures", and they bring about two things that a woman has that others might admire....  Anybody got a bead on this?  Ponch?  But it always ends wrong with an old battleaxe harping about your dirty socks on the floor and your toilet aim.  So in the end MAN pays dearly.
Quote from: Renodox on Sun 11/11/2012 01:02:51
The riddle could have been asked at any time.  I mean before the time of modern civilization and even most ancient ones.

Setting aside the anachronisms of ancient civilizations being able to comprehend a riddle in modern English, I suppose you mean that the answer is somehow contained within the riddle itself and does not relate to things in the modern world, as such. 

1) Well, let's start with the obvious: THIS = THIS (thus THIS has to pay dearly).  Some of those early riddles are that simple, but surely the answer has to be more clever than that?

2) Two failures might be two minus signs, and the meeting might be the vertical joint used in serif fonts that make the letter "I".  The two they thought others would admire might be the two marks that make the letter "t", implying the possibility that someone, somewhere, for some reason might admire a cross.  Thus we have the word "It", which starts the riddle: "It starts with....    But ending wrong: when I see something wrong I *tsk*, which kind of sounds like "ch".  So the wrong ending of "It" might be "ch", which gives you "Itch", in which case it is your skin that pays dearly with the rashes, and the abrasions, and the blood and the gore and the Moohaven-nyu-hay!
Quote from: Renodox on Fri 09/11/2012 07:04:12
It starts with the meeting to two failures.
They next bring about two who they thought others would admire.
But ending wrong THIS had to pay dearly.

What is it?

Is this EXACTLY how the riddle is supposed to go, or are you paraphrasing?  For instance, it would seem more correct if it started "with the meeting of two failures" and next they "bring about two whom they thought others would admire."   

Regardless, my guess is the Florida Fertilizer & Agricultural Association.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 03/11/2012 18:21:21
At last, "Guess the Movie Tit" follows through!
Interesting stuff -I've finally caught up.  The silly banter and the puns were certainly entertaining, but what I really find fascinating are your own impressions of the trials and tribulations of the game development process.  What I'm missing in the last two episodes are the higher-tempo segments, particularly Deliver-Rants, the episodic soap-operas and the mock-advertisements.  Actually, you haven't done that last bit, but you should.  Keep up the good work!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 29/10/2012 19:04:21
Happy birthday via the magic of GIF:

Remember, you're really only as old as you act.  So.....  yeah.
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