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Messages - Blondbraid

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 12/09/2016 15:44:16
Quote from: Jack on Sun 11/09/2016 12:40:22
I didn't know this until recently, but this change was probably brought on by the motion picture production code, which was instituted by hollywood on 1930. This resulted in a collection of "pre-code" films which addressed race relations, drug use and sexuality with a freedom we have been slowly re-acquiring in recent decades.
I've read about the Hayes Code before, though I doubt that it's solely to blame since it applied to cartoons and live-action alike.
I'd say this also has a lot to do with media technology as well, since the introduction of daytime TV created a huge demand for family-friendly content, and the loosened restrictions of recent times goes hand in hand with internet becoming big and many people being able to share content without relying on studios and tv-companys.

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 12/09/2016 14:08:52
Quote from: Adeel on Mon 12/09/2016 13:03:04
Quote from: Retro Wolf on Mon 12/09/2016 11:24:44
I get a bit annoyed at myself when I hear certain songs so awfully terrible (not even a so bad it's good song), and it sticks in your head and you catch yourself singing it!

Let it go! Let it go! Let it go! :=

I'm not sure though if "Let It Go" fits the description of a terrible song...I would say it's one of Disney's best (The Lion King still rules supreme for the songs though in my book)
And speaking of cartoons, while I have to admit that I liked "Let it go", it grinds my gears that I still see stupid Frozen merchandise pushed in my face everywhere. People simply refuse to let it go!
It's not even a good movie! It has plotholes the size of China, the song the trolls sing is so awful it's even worse than vogon poetry and the animators didn't even bother to give the female characters different character models:
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 10/09/2016 11:32:33
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 10/09/2016 09:52:32
And if you look at some really old cartoons, like the original Felix the Cat shorts, they're more adult themed than even South Park!
Yes, I do feel that cartoons were indeed much, much darker before, because the cinemas often used to show short cartoons before
the feature-length movie back in the day, and many of them were geared towards adults.

One of the darkest movies I've seen was a wartime propaganda film titled Education for death, made by none other than Walt Disney.
And people today say Frozen is "dark" because the protagonists parents die off-screen and another character lies about being a nice guy. (roll)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 08/09/2016 22:13:39
It grinds my gears that animated movies still are considered dumb kiddie entertainment by the large masses.
Never mind that there are several good animated films out there which tackle difficult subjects in a more mature and artful way than most live-action movies,
the notion that animated is automatically kid-friendly have most likely made innocent kids suffer as well.

I have already read about traumatized kids being dragged out of theaters showing Sausage Party... 8-0
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 29/08/2016 19:02:54
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 29/08/2016 18:39:01
There are comic artists out there that are much worse.
I can't remember his name, but there's one guy who traces all of his work. He constantly traces his own work, which was usually traced from porn films. No joke.
I can't for the life of me remember his name though. ???
Gerg Land by any chance? (roll)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 29/08/2016 17:05:30
It grinds my gears knowing that there are countless unemployed but talented artists out there, yet Rob Liefield somehow got rich and famous drawing things like this:

Quote from: Superkumi on Thu 25/08/2016 10:18:38
That's a lot of music!
Second that!
A truly impressive track record,
if you don't mind my pun. :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 15/08/2016 17:21:45
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 15/08/2016 02:28:22

Don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan?

Quote from: CaesarCub on Mon 15/08/2016 16:37:08
A personal favorite of mine was a friend's father that (loosely translated) used to say:

"Shame on you! Meanwhile there are children in Africa that go to bed barefoot"
Yeah, the "Others have it worse" argument is an old one, and it isn't limited to African kids. Some old people also invoke the "You don't understand how much worse it was when I was your age!" card.

However, I once saw a pretty hilarious rebuttal to that:

Kid: I don't like this bread!
Grumpy old person: When I was your age, I would have been happy to get such bread.
Kid: This bread was probably fresh back then.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sun 14/08/2016 17:26:09
It really annoys me that whenever someone complains about something, someone sooner or later will say
"And what about the starving children in Africa?", or something similar.

Say a restaurant serves you an under-cooked, inedible meal and expect you to pay for it.
"The starving children in Africa would be very happy for that food, you know."

Your favorite TV-show or movie gets replaced by an awful reboot?
Why nag about that when there are starving children in Africa?

You can barely survive on your wage and are struggling to make ends meet?
It's still more than the kids starving to death in Africa have.

If you actually ask these people to actually donate something to charity, or even just name one country in Africa however, it's not really that important or urgent anymore. (wrong)
You have truly outdone yourself this time! 8-0
The soundtracks are most grand, I can almost see the charging knights before me when I listen to them!
It's a bit hard to tell since I don't have any particular track in mind,
but I'm thinking of something orchestral-sounding, like classic music,
and sort of darkly humorous, in a Monty Python and the holy grail sort of way? :)
Great work once again!
If I may be so bold, I'd love to see (or rather, hear) some more classic/ historical sounding tracks
that can be used in a game with a historical or fantasy setting.

Either way I look forward to see what you post next!
They are really great!
I totally forgot posting you a link to my finished game before:
I think your music really helped set the mood for my game and I hope I get the chance to use more of your tracks in my next game! ;-D
Hello Eric!
I just wanted you to know that I added several (seven so far) of your tracks to my game (!
I wrote your name and the adress of your site in the credits in the main menu of the game, as well as a list of the tracks I used.
Here are screenshots of the credits!
I think you are doing really great work! ;-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 09/03/2016 17:43:14
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 09/03/2016 17:01:11
Toy Story 3 pulled it off though
Yes, a few movies did manage to do this in a good way that didn't feel like an obvious cliché. I think tropes are to movies what pig-guts are to hot dogs, and integral part for the structure, but you shouldn't constantly remind the consumer of their presence.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 09/03/2016 10:08:42
It grinds my gears when movies end with the hero, being a hero, tries to save the villain, only for the villain to try to back-stab the hero immediately after so that the hero is forced to kill the villain anyway, rendering the whole scene pointless. So, instead of showing how good and compassionate the hero is, the writers just ended up with the moral of the story that you shouldn't forgive your enemies, and that showing any kind of mercy is a stupid thing to do that will only backfire. (wtf)

And all those writers apparently thought that this was a way better and more original end than I don't know, have the hero defeat the bad guy in a fair fight? The hero openly admitting that the bad guy is evil and must be put down? Have the villain genuinely repent?
No, the antagonist pulling a gun on his rescuer while he's being rescued is way, way more clever!
Quote from: Eric Matyas on Thu 21/01/2016 12:33:55
Cool...I hope some of my tracks prove useful. Looking forward to seeing your game when it's finished!

So do I! I've already found a few tracks that I think fit quite good!
This is great, as I'm currently working on a project ( and I have been thinking of adding music to the game for a long time! I haven't listened to all tracks yet, but what I've heard so far sounds great and I hope to use some in my game! Besides, it'd be nice to have a name other than my own in the credits! ;)
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