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Messages - BowsetteGamer

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 28/07/2023 04:05:42
Quote from: BowsetteGamer on Fri 28/07/2023 01:19:54Exactly, but since I tell the GUI to show me the variable instead of the text, I am aware that "mylabel" is the example. but what do i have to write

No, you have a misunderstanding there. GUI's themselves cannot contain variables, they can only contain text. So the question is, how to create a text that shows variable's value (and whatever else you may need).

The "@SCORE@" is also a text, but the engine has a special behavior that automatically replaces "@SCORE@" with formatted score value at runtime. Same goes for "@OVERHOTSPOT@". This is just a placeholder for automatic behavior. But your own variables won't have automatic replacement, so you have to do that yourself, explicitly in script.

So in your script you have to create a text, formatted with the variable's value, and then set the text to the label. This is what String.Format is used for.

Supposing your label is called lblCoins, you write in script:
Code: ags
lblCoins.Text = String.Format("Coins: %d", coins);
// or just
lblCoins.Text = String.Format("%d", coins);
// depending on which format do you want

Thanks, this is precisely what I needed, because I thought it was happening like the case of @score@. I'll try any result I'll let you know, thank you very much
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 27/07/2023 20:02:51Each GUI and each gui control (label, button, and so on) has a Name property. This is how this gui or control may be addressed in script. Same as with Characters, and almost everything else.
"mylabel" in the above example is a label's Name.

Exactly, but since I tell the GUI to show me the variable instead of the text, I am aware that "mylabel" is the example. but what do i have to write
"mylabel", "@mylabel@", "#mylabel#" or how to write that variable in the GUI. excuse me that I don't understand a lot
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 27/07/2023 12:01:19This is covered in Frequently Asked Questions in the manual by the way:

Look for "How do I put a variable on a GUI label?".

In general:
Code: ags
mylabel.Text = String.Format("Coins: %d / %d", current_coins, total_coins);
to keep this updated, either run this in function repeatedly_execute, or when the variable changes. Usually it may be convenient to make a custom function for changing a variable, which would also update the label at the same time.

thanks for answering me. I would have to put "mylabel" in the "gui" right?
I mean, you know the tag says @score@, @overhotspot@. I wonder if you put "mylabel" or @mylabel@ in the GUI? Or how is that specified in the gui
hello guys how are you, I would like to know how to add variables (text/numbers) that are present in the "gui" of the game at all times, as well as the @SCORE@ function that has the "gui", that it is also possible to add a variable, for example coins. but I don't know how to do it can you help me? ???
Quote from: Stupot on Sat 25/02/2023 06:07:53Sorry, @BowsetteGamer, I didn't mean to suggest your game was not original. I can see that you've put a lot of your own time and creativity into the project, and it looks like a lot of fun. My main point was that a game that has been in development for a year cannot be entered into MAGS, because it is a contest about making a game in a month.
Oh. so the contest is to make a game in a month. I thought it was something like how you make the game and when the contest announcement comes out you register it and that's it you wait for the votes, ok thanks for the help
Quote from: Stupot on Sat 25/02/2023 05:18:56Welcome @BowsetteGamer.

MAGS is a monthly contest in which entrants can make a game based on a theme or topic for that month. This month the Topic was "make a demo".

The idea is that members wait for the announcement of the theme on the 1st of each month and then get to work making their game. While it is considered okay to use pre-existing assets, the project itself should be original and intended as a MAGS entry.

We're not super strict on all the rules but I do think if you've been working on it for a whole year, it can't qualify as an entry for the contest this time.

Please feel free to look out for a future theme. You're more than welcome to join in anytime.
Hi thanks. Well, my project is original, I have added things that differ from other games, regarding the Graphics, it can be said that 47% were pre-existing assets. The rest was designed by me, and even in the next update of the game I will add more of my own content, The story of my demo is Original, it is not linked to anything pre-existing. The scenery design is also original because I spend a lot of time placing the elements. This may sound silly but in fact, I have the drawing of the game map on a piece of paper in real life, it is a very different map from other RPG games, In order not to get lost in the design of scenarios and place cities and others, most of the buildings were my creation. what is not Original are the pre-existing assets and the music of the game
It also took me a long time to create the game, because I was designing a script that would not crash and be as faithful as possible to the combat system of an RPG game, obviously it has limitations but I have made a lot of progress on the code. Because imagine how frustrating it would be, if you test the game and find some bug. Even so, I put in the description of the game, "That any code error or bug that they notify me". But I can say that the game runs smoothly, since I have not received any errors in a scenario, enemy that does not die or character trapped in a room. And it should be noted that the programming code of the combat system is original and the most important thing is functional because it does not give errors.
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 23/02/2023 23:55:23
Quote from: Volcan on Thu 23/02/2023 22:57:32BowsetteGamer released a game in february. MAGS is selected.

I don't know why the user didn't post it here.

I doubt @BowsetteGamer knew about the contest. However, her demo fits the rules this month, so why not? It's in Spanish, though.

I was considering making something small this time, but got an eye infection and haven't been doing much of anything, neither AGS nor IRL.
Hello guys, how are you? Yes, I want to participate in the contest. I didn't know I had to post my contest entry in this thread. When I published my DEMO, I did it when the registration for the contest was open, I have been working on this project for 1 year. Personally, guys, if it's not too much trouble, can you explain to me what the rules and requirements of the contest are like? I saw a publication that said about its rules and that and well... I didn't understand much. But I want to participate in the contest

It would actually be the first time I entered an AGS contest
Maybe my game is not the best in the world, but I would like to present my game to see the opinion of the jury and the public
Quote from: xboxown on Fri 24/02/2023 02:15:35I guess it was a false alarm. That being said, the game have potential however it is not an English game. Sadly, that is not going to work for me. I like the concept though.
Later I will make an English version, but first I have to add more content to the game. thanks for playing my game
I also take this opportunity to comment that the next update of the game is almost ready, it will still take a while but I am adding many more things to the game, for this reason I have not reviewed many of the game forums. But any doubt, suggestion or error that you find, you can write me by email. I'll be very greatful
you can play my game without problems, maybe the virus is in your PC or it is a false positive from the antivirus. Here's a link to the research I did, apparently from what I've read the antivirus takes AGS as a false positive.

The following quoted text was written by Crimson Wizard:
 "AGS has been known for false virus alerts for years. I had a guess that the reason is that it appends game data to exe file. This means that it constantly opens exe file for reading. Antiviruses probably don't like it. Sometimes they may slow it down, because each time it reads some game data, AV would halt it for another check.

If that's the case, then the solution would be to not attach game data to the engine exe, and instead distribute game as a separate engine exe (renamed to game's title) and *.ags file with game data in it. Such option was added since 3.5.1 and called "Attach game data to exe (Windows only)", and located in General Settings -> Compiler section. Perhaps you could try this and see if these alerts go away.

PS. I also wonder why did not i make it default to not attach since 3.5.1. Probably no one noticed that this option even exists. "

The full link to the forum is here, in case you're interested

I am taking your case into account and analyze my game, the image you see shows that the antivirus does not have any malware problems
Quote from: xboxown on Wed 08/02/2023 18:32:44I tried to download the file to test it. It says virus detected. Whoever downloaded this archive got his or her computer infected with a virus.
Hello how are you? I just saw your message. My PC does not have viruses of any kind, it is up-to-date and I do not frequent malicious pages and therefore I do not download anything that does not come from official pages. Can you tell me what kind of virus it is? because in the games of other creators that I have downloaded, I also get viruses, to be more exact Trojans, I scan them with Virustotal. and that has happened to me in all the games that I have downloaded in AGS, that whenever I scan them it tells me that there are viruses.
I assure you that I have no Virus. My pc works normally and I always have it updated, tell me which virus is the one that the antivirus throws at you?
Quote from: Manu on Mon 06/02/2023 14:29:55Yes, I understand the cursors icons were merged. What I'm saying is that the default image should not be a sword, otherwise the impression of the player is that he is attacking all objects. You could use a generic icon like a "hand" to represent the action. But when the cursor is on top of an enemy, the hand can become a sword. Just a suggestion.

Of course I understand, I actually like your suggestions, I already designed the GUI of life/health/hunger, I will be adding it in the next update.
Quote from: Manu on Mon 06/02/2023 08:58:06I think you did an incredible job here. Congratulations! I'm a fan of Ultima VII, so I greatly appreciate this.
I just tried it for a few minutes, I promise I'll play it more, but in the meantime, I can give you a few usability feedbacks:
- when you click "interact" with an object, it would be nice if the character walks there automatically. Now you have to walk there and then interact. It's a bit annoying
- the icon for "interact" is "combat". It would be better to use a generic cursor (and maybe switch it to a combat icon when you are on top of an enemy)
- the Esc key typically opens a settings GUI or the quit game GUI. I think the users expect that
It would be very nice if the object's name is shown in a display bar when you are with the mouse on it. This will be useful for identifying objects you can interact with

I'll give you more feedback when I have tried it more. Again, congratulations!

Hello, Thank you very much for trying my game and commenting on your experience and suggestions. I'm glad you liked it. I really like your suggestions, but there are things you should know:
Objects such as; Gold, food, Potions, shovel, pickaxe, quest items, books, among others. You don't necessarily have to walk towards them, you can take it even if you don't walk there. I did it like this because in the Ultima VII that we all know there are objects that the stage hides, you can't get to them or our character can't walk towards them. The opposite of what happens in the game that I designed, where if walking is required it is a matter of levers or Excavation, but that is in automatic mode.
Regarding the interact icon that also serves to combat, I actually merged them, so that it has an easier gameplay for the player, because imagine playing with 9 or 12 cursor modes, even so I like the idea of placing a combat icon over the enemy.
I will take all your suggestions and add them in the next update of the game. Thank you very much for notifying me.
Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 05/02/2023 19:36:37This looks promising. I'm neither fluent in Spanish nor an avid rpg-player, but I tried out the demo nonetheless. I talked to the people in the village, grabbed everything I could, which seems a bit odd...I could take bread and food from people's tables.

Outside of the village, I managed to rid the area surrounding a farm for pests, and I suspect I'm supposed to sell the snake skins to the apothecary later on, but I couldn't find a way to do it now. What I first thought was a spear or an arrow, I now think is a pen - I could use it to read a book in the Church/temple, otherwise I have found no use for it.

I discovered by trial and error that some keys have uses - I brings up the inventory, though I don't know if anything can be used yet except eating the food. V brings up a magic screen? Potion screen? And S brings up a place to rest, save the game and view stats. These stats ought to be visible somehow, if you can find a way to do it. I had no idea about my character's strength or stamina left and was killed by anything stronger than a skeleton. (Could be I'm just useless at this, or that I missed a vital clue in Spanish.)

Does the demo have a goal or a scripted ending?

I would like some instructions early on about which keys to use. (I apologize if it's there, but I haven't noticed.) I'll also recommend using graphic displays of the stats and have them be visible at all times, if you can pull it off. And I hope for an English version eventually, after you have finished the Spanish version.

Edit: Found the instructions about the I, V and S keys in the launcher, on one of the buttons I did not press the first time.
I also tried the pacifist approach to be able to view the whole area in the demo, and I managed to upset the gods enough to get -8 at Gods approval, but I have no idea what I did to upset them.  ???

Hello, thank you very much for trying my game, I will answer your questions; The thing about taking everything in the game, food, gold and potions, is because it is the city where the player starts and for that reason it must be simple, you can take the things you want, later I will add more cities where it will not be like that, Jamestown is the exception because it is the city where the player starts

the objects that the creatures give you are sold in the city using the object in the NPCs, some will buy it from you, others will not tell you anything

inventory items, all usable, have functions that are used on the character, partner ally or NPC

Regarding the visibility of the statistics, in the next update you will see them, thanks for suggesting it
The game is designed so that it has many missions, both primary and secondary, and the missions can be carried out again, however in the DEMO it only has 2 missions at the moment
Regarding bothering the gods, it is because you entered a bakery and took the flour from the baker, the baker buys it if an enemy gives you an object and the object is flour, you can go to the baker and sell it to him, in another city you can buy flour cheaply and sell it to the baker

There are items that you can take without penalty such as food, gold and potions, but there are others that you cannot and will affect the divine favor points in the game.

If you have more suggestions please tell me I'll be grateful and thank you for trying my game, can you answer me some questions?

The option to save and load status, did it work for you, did you have any errors with it?
Did you notice a programming error in the game?
Did you like the intro that is in "UltimaLauncher.Exe"? pressing the power button on the monitor
Did the game work for you without errors in it?
Game instructions:
The "C" key opens the magic list
-The first is healing
- The second you must have some points of divine favor to heal you but when they do your life is at 400% or 700%
-The third is a divine attack magic //In the DEMO version it is not available
- The fourth is a deadly attack magic //In the DEMO version it is not available

The "I" key opens the inventory, in the inventory select the objects that you have or that the creatures give you, if it is a creature object you must search the city and use the inventory on the NPCs, if it is food use it on your character, leaves and books increase your level of healing magic (use that item on your character)

The "S" key opens the Status of the character, level, life, health, hunger, magic level, magic, How much money (Tokens) do you have. And save/load game.

To go to the caves you must have the interact mode activated and select in the caves.

The shovel (IN THE DEMO VERSION) works with the piles of sand in the mermaids' lagoon, this will unearth a shovel that when you interact with it you will go to the sanctuary. How to use the shovel, Take the shovel from the city, interact with the shovel in your inventory, use the shovel on the sand pile

At this point you must go exactly where the character is shown and use the cursor mode to talk to the inventory object (which in this case is the necklace), done this.

A portal will open that will take you to Eden, where there is more food (INTERACT WITH THE TREES), and a character that will accompany you on your adventure, which is the fairy "Mai"

/As the fairy will accompany you on your adventure/
You must go down to the cave interacting with the rope

Then interact with the lever

Some stairs will open use the interact mode again

Now go exploring until you find the "Gem of Destiny", interact with it and it will appear in your inventory, Now go out the way you came, in some places you will only have to walk to where the exit is, while in the places where you have gone down ropes (for example the rope in the cave), you will have to interact with the rope again to return to the surface

Use the "Gem of Destiny" on Mai and she will accompany you; What does she do; Heals your wounds and reduces your hunger level. Press the 7 key for her to heal you. You must feed her, she eats Apples, Mushrooms and Honey, use look mode and click on her to open her Status.

To attack use the interact mode and click on the creature, continue clicking until the creature dies (watch the life level always), when it dies it will give you some objects that you can use for yourself or sell it in the city just use the item on the NPCs. I recommend that before attacking, you buy food and potions that cure your hunger level, so you can heal yourself and feed Mai, and she will continue to heal you.

Use the talk mode, and you will get a sale in which you can choose what food you want to buy, it will appear in your inventory. In the blacksmith they can sell you keys that you will use for the chests, they cost 200 tokens, these chests contain the pages, so that when you use it on your character, the healing level will rise (To use the key, interact with it in the inventory, then in the chest )

Currently I have problems uploading the images of my game, can someone tell me how to upload the images? My images are in .png format, even so I get an error, that it is not possible to upload the image and it redirects me to the game without the image. What should I take into account when uploading the 3 images of my game? Help ???
Good guys thank you all very much for your help, I don't know if I should say this here. My game is already finished in its demo version, but I will be constantly making updates to it, I share them with you so that you can take a look and tell me what you think of the game. Any bugs, suggestions or comments please let me know, I'll be very grateful guys and so I can continue to improve my game, Thank you all. Currently I have problems uploading the 3 images of the game, can you tell me how to do it? They are in PNG but the images do not upload
Hello everyone, how are you?, today I bring you a game that I have created, it is an adventure, fantasy, rpg, it is a DEMO, but it is stable, however, any problem, doubt or suggestion please let me know or send me an email, I will be with you Thank you, this is my email:

The game is completely in Spanish, however I will be making constant updates, currently I have problems uploading the images to the game, can someone tell me how to upload the images? I get an error, that it is not possible to upload the image and it redirects me to the game . These are the images:

Important: Under no circumstances remove the files, both .exe and .dat, keep them in the "UltimaLatinDemo" Folder as this will cause errors to the game, for a better experience run U7launcher.exe, if you want a quick game run UltimaLatinv1.0 .exe
But I highly recommend you to run U7launcher.exe and tell me how you liked the game, any suggestions or bugs in the game please tell me

A hug and I hope you enjoy the game, later I will add updates, any questions please ask

Social networks:
Youtube Channel: AndersonArchangel
Discord: Archangel Anderson #4046
Adventure Game Studio: Bowsette Gamer
Gmail (Email):

//Support me with a cup of Coffee//

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 05/02/2023 08:50:20
Quote from: BowsetteGamer on Sun 05/02/2023 04:36:38Ah okay I understand why that error appears thanks for explaining it to me Snarky. One question about the saved state where it is located, that is, I save the game but where is that save located?

On Windows it is located in %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\<Your game name>.
Oh ok thank you very much Crimson
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