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Topics - BowsetteGamer

hello guys how are you, I would like to know how to add variables (text/numbers) that are present in the "gui" of the game at all times, as well as the @SCORE@ function that has the "gui", that it is also possible to add a variable, for example coins. but I don't know how to do it can you help me? ???
Currently I have problems uploading the images of my game, can someone tell me how to upload the images? My images are in .png format, even so I get an error, that it is not possible to upload the image and it redirects me to the game without the image. What should I take into account when uploading the 3 images of my game? Help ???
Hello everyone, how are you?, today I bring you a game that I have created, it is an adventure, fantasy, rpg, it is a DEMO, but it is stable, however, any problem, doubt or suggestion please let me know or send me an email, I will be with you Thank you, this is my email:

The game is completely in Spanish, however I will be making constant updates, currently I have problems uploading the images to the game, can someone tell me how to upload the images? I get an error, that it is not possible to upload the image and it redirects me to the game . These are the images:

Important: Under no circumstances remove the files, both .exe and .dat, keep them in the "UltimaLatinDemo" Folder as this will cause errors to the game, for a better experience run U7launcher.exe, if you want a quick game run UltimaLatinv1.0 .exe
But I highly recommend you to run U7launcher.exe and tell me how you liked the game, any suggestions or bugs in the game please tell me

A hug and I hope you enjoy the game, later I will add updates, any questions please ask

Social networks:
Youtube Channel: AndersonArchangel
Discord: Archangel Anderson #4046
Adventure Game Studio: Bowsette Gamer
Gmail (Email):

//Support me with a cup of Coffee//

Guys can you help me? I have a question and I don't understand the manual very well. My idea is to create a single game state, in which the game can be saved and restored, but I don't really know how to do it, can someone help me, please? It's a game without a template, blank. The game is ready to publish its demo but it only lacks that
Let me explain, I want to create a game menu that when I press start the game, I am transported to the real video game, I would like to know if that can be done, it is to save me the guis and have to create things within the game, I want to know if it is possible to do an external game menu  ??? 
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