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Messages - BowsetteGamer

Quote from: eri0o on Tue 03/01/2023 19:39:10Can you explain a bit more of what you are trying to do, why and what you want to achieve?

Technically an AGS game can run another AGS game, just not sure if this is the question.
well I have 70% of the game finished; When I started it, I didn't consider putting a game menu on it, but I wanted the game to start at once and that's it, and the fact is that since I already have the game done, if I start making the menu it would be complicated for me, so I thought and if I make a game that works as a menu and then I program it so that the menu game closes and runs the real game, and well I was wondering if that was possible
Let me explain, I want to create a game menu that when I press start the game, I am transported to the real video game, I would like to know if that can be done, it is to save me the guis and have to create things within the game, I want to know if it is possible to do an external game menu  ??? 
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