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Messages - CaesarCub

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 27/11/2016 22:58:19
Nope nope nope

Quote from: Jack on Sun 27/11/2016 21:27:58
Mary Poppins II: Retribution?

I'd love to see that
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 27/11/2016 15:58:34
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 27/11/2016 14:55:26
Wish I Was Here

You had me searching all over Zach Braff's filmography
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 25/11/2016 21:07:21
Quote from: Jack on Fri 25/11/2016 19:33:18
It's not Robin Williams.

Are you sure? I bet it's an alternate universe version of The Fisher King
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 23/10/2016 19:13:59
The Black Cauldron?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 06/10/2016 15:05:27
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 06/10/2016 14:48:24
It seems that you're talking about an individual who gathers people to do his / her bidding instead of someone who forms a genuine team.  If that's the case then I agree with you.  However most indie game teams are formed to pool various talents - if one person can do a good job at every single element of creating a game, they often go ahead and do it as a solo dev.  Not many people can do that.

Well, my original rant was about people that make posts that you know will be ignored. Like starting a Game in Progress thread with no real description or images, or a recruiting post that tells you nothing about the game in particular.
The example I gave did have a secondary layer of things that annoy me.
People that think that just an idea is enough to make others work for them since they already contributed or people that expect others to join their teams when there are no definitions on what they really want to do are some examples.

Good indie teams are made of people that that are good at different things working together to make something.
I don't expect someone to be a solo dev.
I usually go that way, and I know it sucks because it becomes unbearable the moment you try to make the scope of the project bigger.

On the latter posts I was mostly referring to people that pretend to be the creators of a project when they only have an idea or a concept, but nothing else to contribute (whether it's skills or money).
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 06/10/2016 14:32:41
Quote from: Blondbraid on Thu 06/10/2016 14:17:10
"Walt Disney was great at making animated movies. Except that he didn't make the animations. And he took the stories from old fairytales. Basically, he put his signature on the movies, but he had someone else design the signature for him.
So I don't know what Walt Disney actually did, but he was good at it."

In my opinion, choosing good artists and writers and being a good leader of a team as well as acting as a vision-bearer can also be very valuable skills.
However, there is a difference between working hard to manage a group project and just look for others to do all the hard work for you.

Well, Walt Disney was good at selling and getting money.
He acted scenes and sweet talked the producers to get the funding for Snow White.
And then he payed the people that worked at his studio.

There's a difference between a manager that says "We are making a Snow White point and click adventure, here's money."
And one that says "We are making a Snow White point and click adventure, I'm sure when we finish it we will get rich, but for now we all have to put some effort."

The second guy might actually be sincere and good at being a leader, but 9 out of 10 times, he just wants to be successful by making other people work for it.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 06/10/2016 13:32:10
Quote from: Retro Wolf on Wed 05/10/2016 20:45:01
That bothers me too! I think if you're going to make an indie game you either need to be the artist or programmer yourself. If you're not one of those then you best have the funds.

I actually don't get mad at a writer trying to make an adventure game (since adventure games are usually strongly story-driven), but they better have a story, good design documents, a chunk of the story done for real, and they won't get crazy mad if you turn them down after reading the stuff and deciding it's not to your liking.
I mean, if you can't draw or code, you can do a horribly coded with stick figures and boxes for graphics demo of the game to show people what a great idea you have.

The real issue to me is when they have "ideas" and "concepts" and you are given only a synopsis of the story, or get told you can see the actual stuff after you agreed to work in it, because their writing is so amazing you might steal it and make your own game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 03/10/2016 13:13:40
I hate it when people open new threads that shows they didn't care about glancing at the rules. I'm not talking details, I'm talking looking at a new thread and wonder why they bothered at all.

Quote from: Some asshole
I'm making a new project. It's super secret so I can't give any details or screenshots, but I would need:

An artist to do backgrounds and characters for free.
A musician to make some music.
A dev with lots of AGS experience.
A writer to help me with the dialogue and the details of the story.

It's an indie project, so all positions are not payed.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/09/2016 12:20:41
Technically it's the sequel, Ai Cho Aniki, but yeah, you are correct.

Shame, I wanted to get to post more of it's art, it's so original.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 13/09/2016 23:04:22
Ok, this one is easy, so I'm cropping it some:

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Tue 13/09/2016 20:12:36
Quote from: Retro Wolf on Tue 13/09/2016 20:07:07
I think any Pixar film is worth watching!

I'll take your word for it, but I'm still not watching Cars 2 (or Cars)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 13/09/2016 13:36:36
After doing the logic thing, searching through all C16 games ever made, I think I found it...

Robo Knight?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 08/09/2016 00:22:40
CaptainD got it, the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra it is.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 07/09/2016 19:27:10

Let's see how fast people guess this movie:

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 07/09/2016 18:53:22
Is that Soylent Green?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 15/08/2016 19:12:58
Quote from: CaesarCub on Mon 15/08/2016 16:37:08
"Shame on you! Meanwhile there are children in Africa that go to bed barefoot"
Quote from: Blondbraid on Mon 15/08/2016 17:21:45
Yeah, the "Others have it worse" argument is an old one, and it isn't limited to African kids. Some old people also invoke the "You don't understand how much worse it was when I was your age!" card.

The thing about this is that most people go to bed barefoot, but it does look like a classic "you don't know how good you have it" phrase.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 15/08/2016 16:37:08
A personal favorite of mine was a friend's father that (loosely translated) used to say:

"Shame on you! Meanwhile there are children in Africa that go to bed barefoot"
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 13/08/2016 21:09:01
Erik the Viking?
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