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Messages - CaesarCub

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 26/07/2016 15:26:38
I have that version of Chrome (well, not anymore since by checking the about tab it is updating)
I recommend you try doing Ctrl+F5 or some other cache clearing thing.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 26/07/2016 14:15:34
It works great in Chrome now :D

And I'm so not getting on the browser wars. Except for IE. I hate IE.

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 25/07/2016 19:50:46
From what I can see on the css, you have a "@-moz-document domain(" that will make sure that the CSS block is only run on Mozilla browsers and skipped by Chrome, IE and the rest.

Code: css

@-moz-document domain( 
	li.avatar a img.avatar 
		/*width:auto !important;
		height:auto !important;*/
		} img[src$=".png"], img[src$=".gif"], img[src$=".PNG"], img[src$=".GIF"] 
		image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;				/* Legal fallback                 */
		image-rendering: pixelated;
		image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;			/* Firefox                        */
		image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;				/* Opera                          */
		image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast;	/* Chrome (and eventually Safari) */
		image-rendering:optimize-contrast;			/* CSS3 Proposed                  */
		image-rendering: crisp-edges;
		-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;				/* IE8+                           */

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 22/07/2016 22:57:13
The way CSS works, it ignores any property not supported, so it shouldn't overlap or break any other CSS styles.
Having some CSS like this:

Code: css
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;

Would make Firefox take the first value and ignore the second (since the implementation of pixelated is not done yet)
And it would make Chrome ignore -moz-crisp-edges, since it's a mozilla specific value.

Here is a link with more details [Link]
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 22/07/2016 16:17:54
This is more a suggestion than a bug.
It's about zoomable images in Chrome. I noticed that the thread was locked, and I wasn't sure about opening a new one.

Since version 41 Chrome accepts a CSS property that would enforce the nearest-neighbour resizing:

image-rendering: pixelated; [Link]

Please consider adding it to the zoomable images, the blurry pixel art makes me sad.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/07/2016 12:31:15
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/07/2016 01:28:24
Sometimes I fear I'm not that good at finding obscure games.
Let's try with this one:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 13/07/2016 19:56:37
Tron 2.0
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 08/07/2016 13:59:33
Indeed it is, exclamation mark included!

So it's your turn again Amayirot
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 06/07/2016 11:59:21
No, it's not Gizmos & Gadgets

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 05/07/2016 13:37:27

Now let's try with this one:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 05/07/2016 12:03:28
Crystal Maze?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 18:56:36
That's correct.
Congratulations Amayirot
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 14:33:50
Ok, I will refrain my impulses of putting Giana Sisters DS


And instead I will pick something different:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 14:24:41
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 14:03:42
Indeed it is. The best Super Mario game ever in C64.

Your turn CaptainD ;-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 13:58:49
OK, let's give this a try.

This is going to be easy I think, but it is one of my favorite games ever.

Thanks for the warm welcome :D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 03/07/2016 13:34:47
Legend of the Ghost Lion?
Well, the only other thing I did about them is this small strip:


I never got around to flesh them out more than this.
They only exist because I got a song stuck on my head Bitter Water by The Oh Hellos.
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