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Messages - Calin Leafshade

Ok I have a physics question.

Yesterday my GF's car got stuck on some ice, the wheels kept spinning.

I put some cloths behind the wheels but still on the ice, and the tires got some traction on the cloth and she was able to reverse.

Now my question is.. why is this possible?

surely if the cloth is *on the ice*  then the friction is the same and the cloth just slips instead of the tires.

basically the friction of a system should be equal to the lowest friction within the system and since the tires are made of high-friction rubber they should be better than the cotton cloth.

Why is that not the case?
Quote from: LimpingFish on Fri 10/12/2010 01:52:40
I just discovered that two Duracell AA's leaked inside a Wiimote of mine.

The exact same thing happened to me and i just carried on using it.

The crusty stuff is potassium hydroxide and can corrode copper fairly badly. However copper is only used on the actual circuit boards, not the battery contacts.

Once the batteries have been removed the crystals wont grow anymore so providing the crystals havent reached the circuit boards you should be ok.
Batwitch, your art is excellent. I love how innocent it looks.

I hope you make a game very soon.
yup, ttf fonts display anti-aliased in all situations out of the box in 3.2.

Just make sure you set "Anti-Alias True Type Fonts" in the general settings.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 20/08/2010 08:30:35
I would like to commend kaputtnik for getting to this day in his life without dying beforehand. He is an inspiration to all those who wish to not die and stuff.
especially now that you've just given me that idea.
I am doing exactly the same thing for an AGS achievement system (which works by the way ^_^).

The best way to do it i think is to use a PHP graphics library to generate the image based on data from a database... thats what mine does anyway.
Monkey: If they can't ping then you have a fundamental network issue.. try using DHCP on the router and see if that fixes it (since the router will control network allocation and DNS)

TR & RT (:D): I would imagine thaty my method is slightly faster since a regex function will do unnecessary checks for your particular problem but using preg is certainly simpler and cleaner.

In the end I imagine they do exactly the same thing under the hood anyway.
can they ping each other?
right click My Computer, click Properties, go to the Remote tab and enable "Allow users to connect to this computer"

Click "Select remote users" and add your user (administrator already has access)

open port 3389 on the listening machine (not needed if its on a local LAN obviously)

run / mstsc.exe on the client machine

type the host name/ip of the listening machine into the host box

click connect

iterate through the string and use is_numeric($var) on each character.

Then you can use substr() to format the string however you like once you have the start and end indices of the number
Yea a lack of power for a graphics card can cause those kinds of issues but I dont think an undersupply of power is damaging to your system.

Other possible causes are overheating (which is a very likely possibility) and memory damage (less likely)
I think you just proved my point :p
The egg.

For a chicken egg to be considered a chicken egg it needs to have a chicken inside it but it does *not* have to be laid by a chicken.

So the first egg which could be considered a chicken egg must have been laid *before* the first chicken since chickens come from eggs.
No it doesn't.. guitars should not be pointy
Ok now I think I get it.

Tristram Shandy explains things in a very verbose and odd way.

I think what he is getting at here is the explanation of his life thus far through the previous volumes.. the curves indicate diversions from the 'straight path' where he goes off on a tangent.

some of the loops slant forwards to indicate a brief look into the future on some tangential note before coming back to the present day (in the sense of the narrative anyway)
Dont let your school fuck with your style.

My school told me to cut my hair and to wear appropriate school clothes but I didnt.

and then I was the coolest kid in school..

this is not true
Quote from: Pumaman on Sat 03/12/2005 13:29:58
The recent Hyper Magazine thread reminded me that we never did get round to creating a thread as a kind of "archive" of when AGS or AGS Games have featured in the media.

Therefore, I have created this thread for just that purpose.
There were alot of reviews for Eternally Us mainly because it was picked up by indiegames and JayIsGames but I think my favourite mention is this one.

I'm not sure why I like this more than the in depth reviews.

other reviews include:
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