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Messages - CaptainD

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/05/2014 20:38:54
Yup.  Thought it would be easy, but couldn't resist. 8-)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/05/2014 20:11:15
If you'd told me before this that "The Dallas Quest" was a real game, I don't think I'd have believed you!!!

Okay, here's one... only a small part of the screen, but featuring the main character, from a game by truly iconic developers... so I'd be really surprised if nobody got it.

D'oh... :undecided:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/05/2014 11:27:53
Um... Dynasty the Game?  Dallas the Reckoning? Dallas the Gathering? :-D 8-0
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 14/05/2014 10:08:26
Wasn't there a Sue Ellen in Dallas?  (No idea where that piece of abstract information came from, I was very young when it was on and never watched it anyway!)  Surely this isn't "Dallas: The Computer Game" or something?!?!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 12/05/2014 15:51:15
Either that or Wizard's Lair?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 12/05/2014 13:23:34
Whatever it is, it looks revolting!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 09/05/2014 09:54:03
Yup.  Many years ago but I still remember this one (also, I remember never quite mastering the mid-flight refueling!). 8-)

Your turn, Mr Grim.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 08/05/2014 22:51:51

Okay, let's go for a C16 title that probably some people will get immediately...


For its time, this was a pretty amazing game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 07/05/2014 23:02:42
This reminds me very much of Winter Events on the C16 (though I suspect this screenshot is from the C64) - by Anco?.  Or possibly Winter Games by Epyx?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 04/05/2014 19:14:28
Looks nice!  Unfortunately I have no idea what it is. :confused:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 04/05/2014 18:35:20
Yup!  Gribbler's up.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 04/05/2014 17:01:30
Heh... no.  Albert Einstein was just the character you play against in a board game in this budget release for the Speccy.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 03/05/2014 20:19:31
I remember playing the demo on the Atari ST.  Wow... that was a long time ago!

Let's see if anyone can get this one... the telltale bottom half of the screen cut out:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 03/05/2014 19:53:06
No, that's Theme Park Mystery.  Weird game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 02/05/2014 14:03:49
Quote from: GarageGothic on Fri 02/05/2014 14:00:52
Head over Heels

Yes indeed!  One of the greatest games of its time, Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond pushing the 8-bits to their limits and beyond.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 02/05/2014 13:45:20

(Wow, really didn't expect anyone to get that one wrong, let alone you!)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 02/05/2014 12:27:08
This one's even easier, but now that you've posted from one classic isometric Speccy game, I can't stop myself from doing another!  One from EVERYBODY'S Top Ten Speccy Games list. :-D

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 02/05/2014 11:51:00
Knight Lore?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 02/05/2014 10:04:00
No idea.  Guess based completely on your crosword style hints - Explorer?
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