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Messages - CaptainD

This is a great place.  Where else could you get someone introduce themselves by saying "I am disturbed"?!??(laugh)

Great to see a steady stream of new members (most don't formally introduce themselves here of course) - a warm welcome to all!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 20/09/2013 22:00:28
Er... does that mean it IS "Under A Killing Moon"? ???:confused:

(Hey - just in case I'm right, someone else can take my turn - I'll be away without internet access for a week.;-D)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 20/09/2013 20:31:44
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 17:49:57
It is. Now tell me which one? :)

Heh... sadly I can only remember the name of the one I've played.  I have a feeling I've seen that screenshot on, but I don't know the name of the game - I'm sure someone else will know it! :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 20/09/2013 17:30:42
Hmm... is it a Tex Murphy game?  I've only ever played one of them (Under a Killing Moon) - have to admit the trailer for the new one looks fun!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 20/09/2013 17:02:54
Is this "Yet Another Game CaptainD Has Never Played And Quite Possibly Never Heard Of, Maybe Never Released In English"?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 20/09/2013 10:51:15
It does look very much like Getafix, but I'm not sure which of the movies it's from.
1 - Horizon?
2 - Shoelaces?
3 - Your belly?  (Well you see less if you look down! :P)
Thanks - I feel honoured! ;-D
"Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Time follows the exploits of a jazz musician whose life turns upside down when his father dies.  It's a traumatic event in itself. but when people start showing up and and being intensely interested in the research that his father had sent him, things start to get complicated.  Can the beautiful woman who claims to have been a colleague of his father's be trusted?  Who are the henchmen who are now after him?  Just what is his father's mysterious research project that can apparently change the world anyway?

Beautiful graphics, a moody jazz soundtrack and intelligent puzzles make this an encouraging start to what promises to be a very interesting game series.  There is some unnecessary innuendo and the game is admittedly very short, but it's highly enjoyable and certainly makes you want to find out what's happening in the next episode."

Is that okay Cat?
Since no-one seems to want to start the ball rolling... (this is completely without coercion from Miguel!!(laugh) - this is the game that I enjoyed most from the recent batch of releases):

My pick for this month is: Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Time

I guess part of the reason I chose this game is because of where it seems to be headed as well as what it is - being the first episode of a series, it's pretty short.  However the aesthetics were wonderful, the puzzles were very well implemented, and the characters / story certainly made me want to see what happens in the next episode.  It's not perfect - the pixel hunting in one location frustrated me a little and the innuendo was unnecessary - but the game as a whole was extremely enjoyable and a very promising set up for what looks set to be an epic sci-fi adventure set on a background of jazz music.
So, just to clarify... we're supposed to nominate our pick of the month and write a short description of it in this thread? ???
Quote from: LimpingFish on Fri 13/09/2013 19:24:46
There is no truth to the rumor that panelists are chosen by competing in inter-species gladiatorial contests...yet. ¬¬

You mean it's only humans involved at this stage? 8-)
Adeel - thanks for the mention mate, but I'm pretty sure demos don't get rated by the panel at all, just full games?
Thanks Sunny - I'll have a look, it doesn't look quite right to me though - I seem to remember very small sprites in a room that seemed pretty big as a result (a bit like in The Young Gabriel King Chronicles) - I just can't quite remember.
I remember an old AGS-made game - it was a one-room game, but whether it was for OROW or not I can't remember - I think you were trapped in a pit / cavern of some kind, you played an archaeologist.  I would like to find it again because it was one of the cleverest uses of the one-room game idea that I've ever played... anyone got an idea what the name is?  Can't remember how old it is, I'm guessing at the very least 6 years old.
Quote from: miguel on Fri 13/09/2013 11:41:16
I thought that pick of the month was about games made in the month

Me too!

Will try to find an older under-appreciated title to give some love to.
2 -
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 11/09/2013 18:24:31
Phantom of the Operetta? :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 11/09/2013 13:54:32
30 Lovely Hostesses Dancing To The Tunes of Orin Tucker?
If it had been retired wizards I'd have said
Mage Concern
, but for pirates and OSD?  ????????????
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