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Messages - CaptainD

Quote from: bicilotti on Fri 20/10/2023 16:12:52Unsurprisingly a Yahtzee game too, 5 Days a Stranger. It was on the front page of "The Home of the Underdogs".

Oh I remember that site - didn't they host RON games at one time? (Or maybe even now and I just haven't seen it.)
Quote from: LimpingFish on Wed 18/10/2023 23:48:36Anyhoo, is everybody ready to start paying to use TwiX?

Honestly, it all depends on how much. If the mooted $1 per year thing is real, that's definitely a fee I could live with; to an indie dev the marketing value of Twitter can be very useful )albeit difficult to quantify). But a higher cost... not sure where I'd draw the line. We'll see what happens.
Or at least, that you remember playing?

Mine goes all the way back to 2001!

Rob Blanc I - Better Days of a Defender of the Universe by Yahtzee

Just thought it would be fun to compare notes. Probably been done before, but I don't remember seeing anything for a long time.
I made this back in 2018 and honestly it's pretty basic and I didn't know what I was doing, but still... I was attempting to make something vaguely along the lines of the 16-bit demoscene. But I didn't fully understand AGS colour commands or know how to use trigonometric functions, so I failed pretty badly.  (laugh)

Hey folks, just a reminder that a new game should have been chosen, maybe just leave for next month now? Can someone nominate a game though?
AGS Games in Production / Re: Fractured Hearts
Tue 10/10/2023 22:06:37
Wow a real departure in style graphically, but hopefully full of the silly humour of your earlier games  ;-D
Thanks lonias and heltenjon!

Jon - I'll get in touch with you about the issue, never been reported before. Thanks for highlighting it!
General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Tue 22/08/2023 08:16:47
I helped Les with some occasional brainstorming and feedback - I think the most relevant thing I told him was that there needed to be some movement in each scene, the backgrounds were nice but extremely static 0 but my main claim to fame is that I came up with the name "Maelstrom Obscura". It's a real pity Les never got to finish it.
Well, I managed to get past the first timed puzzle (nicely done, that was clever!  ;) ), but at a bit of a loss with the next bit! (Well certain actions are obviously needed, but not how to actually achieve them.)

Some kind of cursor change when you're over a hotspot would be helpful since I can't tell whether I've missed something despite seeming to have clicked everywhere.

Seems to be a missing hotspot interaction on the right-side overhead? You can get a reaction to trying to use inventory on that area, but no reaction to just clicking on it.

Definitely some very good ideas in here and although I can't say I'm a fan of CGA graphics, they're well done and lend a real retro atmosphere to the game.
We made a silly video to help promote the game.  :-D

Greetings to all our new members!  ;-D
Could I put in an early suggestion for next month? Pretty sure it's never been chosen before. Obviously partly because of the recent news that Les is no longer with us, but not purely chosen as a tribute out of sentimentality, I think there's much to commend this game. (Hope the fact that I helped him make it doesn't disqualify me from suggesting it?)

DSM: Are we alone? by Slasher

Out of the many games Slasher made, this is one of the biggest and most ambitious. Whilst not everything about it works, there is much that does - lots of different locations and environments to explore, a large number of puzzles, some intrigue, some laughs, and all done in that style we knew so well from our AGS friend who is sadly no longer with us. A fitting reminder of what he managed to accomplish despite serious health difficulties. RIP Slasher.

General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Sat 12/08/2023 20:19:24
I've known Les since about 2010, when I first worked with him on a game. Since then he had an incredible output of games, not only in quantity but in terms of game style - he would give anything a try in AGS. Game creation was as Mandle alluded to previously a way for him to battle back from having a stroke, but I don't think he realised what a big part of his life it would become. Almost every game could be instantly linked to a strong inspiration but among all the smaller games, he occasionally took on quite big and ambitious projects. I had the pleasure of helping him with a number of games, sometimes as a tester, voice actor or designer. He was always full of ideas and didn't have any delusions of grandeur - he just found great delight in making games.

He was fond of a conspiracy theory (I was never quite sure how seriously he took them) but the concept gave rise to what was I think supposed to be his magnum opus - Maelstrom Obscura. When he started making it, he did mention to me that he expected it to be his final game because his health was deteriorating. Sadly the Kickstarter wasn't successful and, although he was going to do a second campaign, I guess failing health just caught up with him. and it never happened.

A worthy Lifetime Achievement winner, Les will be remembered not to one brilliant game but for a huge number of games, which gradually showcased his growing confidence with AGS, and as an important member of the AGS community. He began by asking a million questions, but gradually became someone who often offered advice and encouragement to newer members. The forums won't be the same without him.
I'm saddened to hear this, although thankful to heltenjon for making contact with the family.

So long, Les - you won't be forgotten.
Quote from: RootBound on Wed 09/08/2023 18:06:33The game is fully playable all the way through!

That's always a nice milestone to reach  :)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Zid Journey
Wed 09/08/2023 17:31:50
Fantastic animation as always!  ;-D
You could use a character, but you could also use Surface.DisplayString. If you did that you'd have to (for instance) draw a background colour rectangle over it once you wanted the text to disappear though.

Another possibility is using a GUI text label, which can be redefined within the room code.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: Going Home
Wed 26/07/2023 08:06:25
Congrats on making your first game!  ;-D  I'm sure it will be the first of many.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Best movie monster?
Tue 25/07/2023 20:43:03
Surely there's only one answer to this question.

Okay, maybe two.

AGS Games in Production / Flow Problem
Sun 23/07/2023 11:34:55
No, it's not a urinary complaint, it's a game.

A sequel of sorts to Snow Problem, this time I decided to see if I could make a fluid movement mechanic based on single-pixel colour detection, and then whether I could make that into something resembling a game. After a short failed experiment trying to simply adapt what I made for Snow Problem, I've managed to come up with something that I think feels quite different, and works quite well as a puzzle game. At first I wasn't sure it was going to work but just adding three specific ideas to the game have made it play really well and offer quite varied strategies, as well as some "aurgh!" moments when you haven't done something quite right.

Since it's easier to show than tell, here's a video:

Some screenshots too:

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