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Messages - CaptainD

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 05/12/2019 15:55:26

I thought maybe someone would figure it for a much older game...

Glad they're back in development with SAF, it's great fun although every time I see the abbreviation I think it's "Sir Alex Ferguson" - as a Liverpool fan, truly a nemesis!  :grin:

Okay you're up again...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 05/12/2019 12:47:27
Ah... you may have merged into a single entity in my mind (completely accidentally!  :-D)

Anyway on a similar theme...

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 04/12/2019 15:36:55
Oh I see what you've done here... would this be your own game, a glorious misinterpretation of football that I've not quite got round to playing yet but intend to one day - Behold the Kickmen?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 24/11/2019 18:51:00
Only a couple more days to get Stomping Boots along with 6 other great point & clicks in the Super Comedy Adventure Bargain Bundle!

(Bundle also contains Trails & Traces: The Tomb of Thomas Tew, Clam Man, Legend of Hand, Yet Another Hero Story, The Beard in the Mirror and The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/11/2019 15:14:54
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 14/11/2019 14:49:12
Nope and nope.

Hint: It's one of the few decent games on a home console which is known as one of the worst.

Is it a 32-bit console?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 06/11/2019 19:04:14
Quote from: Jack on Wed 06/11/2019 18:20:08
Star Trek: Nemesis

"Can you learn to see in the dark, captain?"

It's quite impressive that I hated this even more than Star Trek 5.  The TNG crew had done well with the movies (Generations was hit and miss but I enjoyed both Insurrection and First Contact), and then... this monstrosity.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 06/11/2019 10:42:07
It's not that game I've heard about often but never played is it... La abadía del crimen?  (The Abbey of Crime)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 04/11/2019 15:30:23
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 04/11/2019 15:08:03
Blade Runner? (Ah, the nostalgia that comes with guessing that)


Wow, I genuinely thought that would be a tough one.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 04/11/2019 14:27:55
Quote from: abstauber on Mon 04/11/2019 14:15:50
QuoteI'll let someone else take my turn.
Come on, don't be lazy :P

Oh FINE, here you go  :-D:

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 04/11/2019 12:26:58
Unless I'm very much mistaken, that is the title screen for Carrier Command. 

I'll let someone else take my turn.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 29/10/2019 09:14:51
Although it doesn't really ring a bell with me I'm tempted to guess Resolution 101?  The only thing I remember about that game was the (for the time) blindingly fast 3D environment, not sure if it had cut scenes.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 26/10/2019 10:14:03
Love that screenshot!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 24/10/2019 09:26:34
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 24/10/2019 07:04:57
Eskimo Inuit Games ?
The devs didn't think the strikethrough was necessary!  :P

Indeed, it is Eskimo Games.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 23/10/2019 15:01:12

"Games" is the correct second word.

It was published by Magic Bytes in the early 90s.  I remember it being quite a fun game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 23/10/2019 11:36:19
Close(ish) but nope.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 23/10/2019 10:16:44
Both of these guesses are half right!!  :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 22/10/2019 21:51:06
Okay here's a new one... a reasonably obscure game but the title will be easy to guess I think.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 22/10/2019 16:05:12
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 2?
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