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Messages - CaptainD

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 19/01/2018 14:13:35
Quote from: Chrille on Fri 19/01/2018 13:38:46
Manhattan Dealers!

I couldn't remember the title at first, but recognized it as one of Silmarils many weird games. It's hilariously bizarre, like many of their other games. Usually very atmospheric, with wonky controls and/or ideas.

You got it!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Drug-busting beat em up, starting with the dreaded Caffeine cartel! (roll)

Yeah I loved Silmarils' quirkiness, they were awesome if inexplicable at times.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 18/01/2018 10:49:55
Nope, although it is a 2-word title.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 17/01/2018 20:42:58
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 17/01/2018 20:26:28
*pokes CaptainD:tongue:

Oops sorry, completely slipped my mind!

Okay here's one I don't think we've done before, quite an odd game really.

@Mandle - Zero-Bit is not impressed with your comment.

In other news - we got our first review! :) :) :) :)

"The puzzles aren't the only enjoyable part of the game though, the story is absolutely delightful. If you like a humor filled sci-fi tale chocked to the brim with references many different science fiction properties than you won't be disappointed."

"Final thoughts: if  you are in the mood for a good old school point and click this is a hard game to pass up. Even if that isn't your forte, the story is a fun romp and to me really sells the game."

VERY happy with that review.  (Hoping to get that elusive 5 people to rate the game on the AGS game page to get an overall impression of what people thought of it too.)
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 15/01/2018 11:06:00
Because you'd always get short changed?

Why can you never have a coin with a picture of a dwarf on it?
I've been looking at it as an "each line is the clue to one word" type of puzzle - am I on the right track?  This is where I'm at:

Bounteous in girth  (fat / wide)
By light under emerald, (green)
Ceylon use prevails. (island)
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 13/01/2018 12:43:34
Can you make the image zoomable?

I wanna see those sweet details inside the ship!

Your wish is my something that I will now do:


While I'm here, let me tell you that after a slight delay Captain Disaster is now available on GameJolt (CassieBSG, this one's for you! (laugh))
Quote from: dactylopus on Fri 12/01/2018 11:21:53
That's some great art!

Kastchey is ridiculously talented! ;-D
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots is now available from FireFlower Games.

For this release we also got some awesome new promo art by Kastchey :

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 11/01/2018 13:58:53
Hmm... Forgotten Worlds?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 10/01/2018 22:02:33
I don't remember the guy exactly, but something in the back of my mind is urging me to guess Final Fight.
Thanks everyone!

SilverSpook did a great video this morning of him playing the game, and I was around to help (or not, possibly) since I'm at home sick.  Which just goes to show, every cloud has a silverspook lining.  Or something.

Another YouTuber did a Let's Play yesterday too:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 08/01/2018 08:13:35
Something about this looks familiar but I can't place it.
Thanks MiteWiseacreLives!, Taxler Endiosk and HanaIndiana! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

I know some of you passionately hate walkthroughs - this next bit is NOT for you! - I have completed the Act I walkthrough.
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 03/01/2018 22:43:13
That's great news Dave! ;-D

I'll get right on it after Neofeud... and Unexpected at the rising star... and Kanji Gakusei... and the House without Windows... and Gnome's Homebrewing Adventure... and Conspiracy: Below-Zero... and Legend of Hand...

Haha well I look forward to your thoughts on the game sometime in 2024 then mate! (laugh)
Quote from: Stupot on Tue 02/01/2018 05:18:36
Bought and downloaded yesterday. Just looking out for some spare time to actually play it.

Thanks Stu!  I really appreciate your support, and hope you enjoy it when you do manage to find time to play it.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 01/01/2018 19:23:43
The Goonies?
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 30/12/2017 21:02:41
This is looking really nice - keep up the good work!
Aw man where did this critter hide during the hundreds of hours of testing we put in?  I'll make a note of it, thanks.

If anyone else finds a bug can you please PM me.  Cheers.

Hope everyone who's playing is enjoying it! ;-D
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